Were having a ...

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 5 months later

Becks POV

Me and Jade were on our way to the hospital for our doctors appointment,we got to find out if we were having a boy or a girl. "Beck,we haven't thought of any names yet!,It will come and we will have no names ready!!!!" "Babe calm down right I know what to do ,we each say a name and then the other one says yes or no kay?" "Ok I want to start ,right then.

Jade- Jack




Jade-Oh are we having an 89 year old,No way

Beck-thanks babe,Darwin

Jade-why do you hate our child

Beck - I don't,Rain

Jade-No,my name is rain and I have a dress made of wheat and a unicorn,Emma


Jade-No,Look were here.

In the hospital

Jades POV

"Hello,are you ok?" said Dr.Clarke "Yes,I'm alright,I suppose"I said."Good,good,how is the future dad here. "Good,thanks" Beck replied. "Very well,then here on the screen is your baby,do you want to know the sex?" "Yes please"Beck replied quickly,must be excited I thought. "So you know if it's a boy or girl,Ruth or Ruby,David or Darwin!??"I asked" Yes,but please don't name your child Darwin." Dr. Clarke said. I laughed "Ha! " I said towards Beck. He just laughed. "Here is your healthy little baby girl! I will leave you alone a minute" said Dr.Clarke as she walked out."I saw a tear escape from my eye and also Beck's. He hugged me really tightley. "I Love you Jade,and this little thing inside you." I giggled "I love you to Beck!" 

10 years in the futureWhere stories live. Discover now