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Darkness surrounds me

The light abandons me

I scream a whisper

I run an inch

Trapped in thoughts

Struggling to breathe

Walls close in

Shoulders pinned

Sweat trickles

Tears fall

Pain throbs

Open wounds

Lungs aching

Muscles numb

Heat seeps out

Cold sneaks in

Vision blurs

Cuts hurt

Losing grip

Falling in

Eyelids heavy

Just let it go

The end is here

No more lies

Drift off

Calm down

Heartbeat slows

Mind clears

Air so tight

Can't even breathe

Mind is blank

But filled with peace


Authors note: Thanks for reading my first Wattpad poem 'Release'. If you liked it please vote or comment. It's part of an upcoming teen fiction/short story coming up VERY soon so get ready!

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