The Return

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"The people who weren't at Tenrou think we're dead. It's been 7 years, I had a hard enough living through it while knowing you were going to come back. They didn't have that privilege. Jump on." Natsu sighed as he jumped onto a enormous cloud of air he made out of, well, thin air.
"Listen to Natsu everyone." Erza said with a guilty look in her her eyes-not unlike the rest of the Tenrou Team-before she waved everyone onto the cloud before jumping on herself.
"It's smooth sailing from here on out. So, how's your day been?" Natsu said bored.
"Like you don't know flame-brain." Gray smirked, trying to piss him off. It didn't work.
"Touché," Natsu nodded. "But this going to be hard."
"What is?" Mirajane worried.
"I've had little human contact for seven years. The only person I could talk to was Mavis, a 400-year old spirit with little social skills." Natsu explained.
"But she was still human." The white haired beauty argued.
"Oh I didn't tell you then? She contacted me a few days every other month or so. Not everyday or something if that's what you're thinking." Natsu sadly said as he took out two lacrimas: one was a very large magic storage container and the other was a communication one. Natsu started to fill up the container lacrima until it reached the top, and then he placed the communication lacrima on his lap. He then motioned for everyone to be silent, and then contacted Doranbolt.
"And that is why you should-" I started. RING RING RING. I started to panic because I was in the middle of meeting between the magic council and the king and princess. I was very confused as well because I only able to be called by a few people on this lacrima, but nonetheless I had to answer.
"I am so sorry, this must be an emergency." I stated panicky as I answered it.
"What do you need right-" I spat before stopping abruptly after seeing the caller's face and the people behind him. But they were supposed to be dead! They died 7 years ago, and all but the caller hasn't aged a day. I was beyond confused.
"What's wrong Doranbolt?! Who's calling?" The king asked.
I stared at them all with a single tear streaming down my face, "It's Natsu and the Tenrou Team. They're back."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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