Chapter Four: Contract

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Good morning, sir. It is seven in the morning, the temperature is fifty Fahrenheit degrees and the maximum expecting is forty-four degrees. If you do not get up in this moment, you will be late again."

"Hmm... Five more minutes," Tony complained, covering to the top of his head with the blanket.


"Agh, okay."

Tony opened his eyes cursing every single thing in the world for not letting him sleep more. When he got into a sitting position Tony felt disoriented, without knowing where he was until he remembered his decisions and realized he was at Loki's apartment.

He get up mumbling senseless words about the fucking schedule he had and walked towards the bathroom leaving his phone at the bedroom. Tony took a quick shower and got out of the bathroom dressed with a black, 'v' neck t-shirt, dark jeans and black sneakers. Walking again to his bedroom, Tony noticed the silence surrounding the place.

"Hey, Jarv, where's Luke?" Tony asked taking his phone.

"It seems that Mr. Friggason has left the apartment, sir."

"Hmm..." Tony muttered, "He could've waited for me if we're going to the same place, couldn't he?"

"That would have been certainly more convenient for him, sir."

"Right?" Tony said getting closer to the nightstand. "Well, it's up to him. I don't really care." Tony said with a shrug.

He took his wallet and car keys, which were left on the nightstand the night before, and walked to the kitchen, attempting to make him some coffee, passing through the dining room. Luckily for him, inside one of the boxes Tony had brought, were his favorites coffee grains, Tony supposed Loki wouldn't really mind if he made use of the coffee maker, right? Once in the kitchen, Tony stopped when a sparkle placed in the worktop called his attention. There was a set of keys tied together by a Snowflake keychain next to a note saying: "This are your keys. I forgot to give you them yesterday." With an explanation of whichwas which.

"How thoughtful," Tony commented before taking a sip of the delicious nectar.

When there was no drop less in the mug, Tony left it in the sink and walked out the apartment, there would be time to clean the kitchen and his bed, later.

"Jarv," Tony said once he was on the front sit of the car.

"Yes, sir?"

"Guide me," Tony ordered taking the steering wheel in his hands after putting the security belt on.

The engine's roar was a sound that Tony really liked, it was soft and surrounding, almost like a purr. He could be all day inside the car with me engine going. The screen placed on the right side of the dashboard showed a map with the trajectory that Tony needed to follow in order to get to MIT. The way felt really shorter, it had taken him fifty minutes or so to get there, in contrast with the almost forty-five minutes that had taken him in the past. He was really surprised getting to the classroom as the first one and the teachers' surprise had been even bigger. Great, now he felt like a nerd.

"I knew it was gonna be a great idea, eh." Tony commented making a pen spin in his hand.

As in any other class –except by Calculus, where he was busy,- Tony put on his best concentration face while he wrote things the teacher said, complementing them with his own knowledge about the issue.

Really, what was he doing there, again?

Ah, yes. Diploma.

Tony exhaled staring at the clock above the whiteboard.

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