Close your eyes - Part 2

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"Close your eyes and turn around. Trust me on this, (y/n.)"

He said this calmly. You gave him an odd look, but obeyed what he said. Makoto was the one you trusted the most. You felt the back of your head tingle a bit, and you heard recognizable noises. You didn't want to assume anything, so you went with it. After a few minutes, Makoto finally spoke. "Okay, go look into the mirror..." His face was bright, with a kind smile you couldn't forget. He always smiled like that when he did something you knew you would love. You turned your head to the direction of a small, well-designed mirror on the wall, as you looked into your reflection, you couldn't help but let out a gasp. He cut your hair! But for a long time, you wanted this haircut, and he did it ever so perfectly. Your hair was cut a bit longer than your shoulders, it shined in the light, and framed your face perfectly. making Makoto's face turn a light hue of red. You turned back to him and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. "Thank youuuu!" You exclaimed cheerfully. Makoto embraced you back tightly, adoring your presence and affection. "I knew you'd like it..." He replied, nuzzling your face gently. He gave you a small, loving kiss on your blushing cheek. You thought for a moment, and remembered something from earlier. You wanted to read some of the books he had for a series you were reading. "Makoto, can we go to your room?"

His sweet smile faded into a more serious, and concerned expression. "" He replied lowly. You raised an eyebrow, now you were confused, a bit suspicious, even. Makoto turned around and started to walk into a different room. "(Y/n), I need to do something really quickly, 'kay? Sit tight." You didn't know what on Earth he was planning, but it was no matter to you then. As he walked to some different and unknown room, your curiosity got the best of you.

You ran upstairs to his room. The door wasn't locked, it was a great opportunity. You then grasped the door knob and opened the door, but as soon as you did, you were in shock. No, not shock, you were petrified. Your eyes darted across the room, wondering if you were just dreaming; or perhaps in a nightmare. The walls were plastered with pictures of you, most of them you don't remember being taken. The table and nightstand had small boxes, containing some little personal belongings of yours that you noticed had went missing earlier. The room was filled with things that all directed to you. And, some very disturbing things that shouldn't be mentioned. Even some of your hair was kept in a box in his room. With an easy sense of common sense, you knew he didn't just love you.

He was obsessed.

You slowly started to back out of the room. But then you abruptly bumped into something behind you. You jumped a bit as it hit your back. Reluctantly, you turned around. It was Makoto.

"(Y/n), what are you doing in here?" His eyes were darkened, it even looked like he was angry and menacing for a single moment. This didn't seem like the man you fell in love with, no, not at all. You were too stunned to move, or even simply speak. "I-I..." Was all that could escape from your mouth. He tilted his head to the right a bit. "I told you to stay out, sweetie." He said, in a constant, deep tone. You didn't want him to call you that, not with that kind of disturbed look in his eyes. Which were usually full of love, life, and joy. But not now. You clenched your fists tight and finally spoke up. "Explain this. ALL of this weird shit!"

He let out a long sigh. "Oh, (y/n), you know I love you..." He grinned a bit, then placing his index finger on his chin. You glared at him. "That doesn't explain any of this obsessive crap! What's wrong with you?!" He rolled his eyes a bit, knowing you practically ignored his last remark. "Sweet Charm, I love you, and I cannot stop thinking about you. Think of my room like....a scrapbook. I wish I could be around you 24/7, but I cannot. So with these...little things, it's like you're always here." Sickened, you opened your mouth to reply to this, but before you could, he suddenly pushed you up against the wall. You winced a bit, he was awful strong; this was a bit painful. "(Y/n), I'm crazy about you! Love me, forever and ever! Stay with me, never let me go...Tell me you love me..."

The crazed look in his eyes was enough to make you shiver with fear. Without thinking straight, you squirmed yourself out of his grip and ran out of the room, terrified. Makoto blinked in surprise and cried, "Wait, come back, my love!!" You heard this as you ran out of his home, ignoring his command. The Autumn wind was stronger than earlier, and hit you much more as you ran. The breeze was a large gust of wind now, and it whipped your hair around causing you to be partially blinded, but you kept running.

You did not want to be part of Makoto's obsession anymore.

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