Dan, I'm sorry.

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God I'm so fucking horny.
Everytime I even come close to Phil he makes up some excuse and runs away. Does he not love me anymore? Or maybe just doesn't love me enough. I don't know any more I just need him...

"Hey Dan I'm home."

I heard the spork call from the other room. I don't even remember what he was picking up I was in such deep thought.

"I got your malteasers and a llama plushie"

"Oh my fucking god Phil I love you"

"Not as much as your memes"


We sat there in silence. I decided to just come out with it.

"Phil why is it every fucking time I come close to you sexually you run the other way"

He sat there staring at me. What why the fuck does he look like he's going to cry. Oh no he's going to run to his room. And just like I thought he did. I decided to leave him some space


It was midnight and me and Phil still haven't discussed this. Then I got a text.

Phil: Hey Dan sorry for running off its just sorta hard for me to explain with words.

Dan✋: That's okay Phil go ahead.

Phil: Well I'm....asexual

Dan✋: isn't that when you like reproduce with yourself.

Phil: Well yes it is but there's another meaning. The definition I'm talking about is not feeling sexual attraction...ever. Not with anyone.

Dan✋: Then how are you attracted to me?

Phil: I feel romantic attraction to people of the same gender. So I'm romantically attracted to males and sexualy attracted to no one.

Dan✋: I think I get it

Phil: Now I have a question for you Dan. Are those ladder hands in your name?

Dan✋: yes....

Phil: wow

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