1| Shawn and Alivia

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Shawn's POV
"Alivia" I grunt.
"You don't need that asshole."

Alivia looks down at her iPhone. She looks hesitant. She stares back up at me.
"You don't know what I need Shawn." She exhales deeply and tucks a strand of brown hair behind her ear.

It kills me, because I do. I do know what she needs, she needs me. I've always been there for her, she's always come to me when she's broken up about some other guy that doesn't know how to treat her right. I know her better than she does. I've lived right next door to her since the day we were born, we were born a day apart. I'm almost exactly 24 hours older.

I've loved her since I can remember.

She doesn't feel the same because she's only drawn to the guys that treat her like shit. Any guy that shows her affection, they're doomed to rejection. That's how Alivia Rae works, in a cycle of falling for a jerk, resorting to me to mend her broken heart and finding some new jerk.

We're sitting on her bedroom floor. "Don't text him" I warn sternly.

"Shawn, please." She huffs. Her fingers begin to type out the message. Jake has hurt her too many times, yet she's going back to him again. I'll never understand.

"He's changed, I know it. I know I said that last time, but I'm serious this time, I know for certain" She explains, as my heart drops. She doesn't even understand, she's already signed herself up for a new round of inevitable heartbreak.

He's the wrong guy for you Alivia.

"Okay," I sigh, "Its your choice after all. I just don't wanna see you hurt again, I can only stand so much."

Her hazel eyes meet mine and her lips curl into a slight smile. "You're the best Shawny" She teases. She gently pushes against my chest with her hands and tackles me on the ground playfully. Her long hair tickles my cheek. I love her hair. I love everything about Alivia, I love the way she scrunches her nose when she's mad at me and how she smiles at me when I hold her hand in mine.

"You'd be the one on the ground, but I'm taking it easy on your ass" I joke.

She rolls off me and lays next to me on the carpet. We pant exhaustedly in unison. She moves into my side and rests her head on my chest. She smells of vanilla and coconut.

Alivia's POV
I rest my head on his rapidly rising and falling chest. I grab one of his huge warm hands in mine and intertwine our fingers gently in the air and play with his long fingers. I love Shawn, he's always been there for me, through thick and thin. He always wants the best for me. I couldn't ask for a better friend.

"Thankyou." I whisper.

"What for?" he asks. "For being Shawn." I reply happily.

"Oh it's nothing.." He says through heavy breaths. "Liv?"


He rolls onto his side and props his head on his hand with his shoulder supporting on the ground and looks at me. I imitate his pose.

"Nothing.. I gotta get going soon. Help the family with dinner tonight. Love ya." He says, standing up and embracing me in a hug, his arms wrapped around my neck. He gently kisses the top of my head.

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