2| Mending Broken Hearts

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Alivia's POV

Why have I been so damn stupid.

After laying there with Shawn for a while, happy, I turn around again to meet his eyes.

"Shawn" I whisper.


"I'm sorry." I say.

"For what?" he asks. "For being stupid. For not understanding the person I need has always been right in front of me the whole time, and I've been running around fussing over stupid boys that hurt me. You're always right, every damn time Shawn."

I didn't want to say anything but I'm sure I'm starting to gain serious feelings for Shawn.

I mean, we've always had chemistry, but I mean we've always been such close friends and never anything more. But why? Because I'm stupid. I want the guys that "treat them mean, keep them keen".. hah.

I grab one of his hands under the sheet and hold it in mine. He stares into my eyes.

"You know, you've always known, there's nothing I want more than for you to be happy. And every single day of my life I've waited for you" He says quietly.

"Waited for me?"

"You know I love you. I'm certain you know I always have. So I've waited for you." He mutters.

"Waited for me to what?"

"To finally realise I know what you need. I know you better than I know myself, Liv."

At that moment I was sure I knew what I was doing. Everything felt so right, felt in place. It took me so long to understand when it always should've been so simple.

Shawn is perfect for me and he always has been. God I've been blind.. Well not entirely, I've always had a soft spot for Shawn, I just hadn't realised how much he really cared.

I put my hand over his cheek with my fingers through his thick hair. "I love you Shawn, I should've told you that a long time ago." I whisper.

The biggest smile is plastered across his face. "And I've waited each day to hear those exact words." He replies, and softly kisses my forehead with slightly parted lips.

"I love you Alivia, I always have and I always will." He says, and pulls my body in closer to his and holds me.

After a while we both fall asleep, I'm in his arms when I wake up, it's late Saturday morning.

"Shawn" I whisper. His eyes flutter open and he sits up and stretches out his arms in a deep yawn.

"Shit. What's the time" He says, deep husky morning voice. "10:30" I answer.

"That's okay then" he says, smiling and lays back down next to me. "Morning cuddle" he says.

"I gotta get up Shawn, it's Nathan's birthday today, I'm supposed to go out for lunch with the family."

"Just ten minutes.. pleeeeease" he begs.

"Oh I suppose. Only because you're cute. You're lucky kid" I tease, and bury my head into his arm.

"I'm lucky that's for sure" he says. "Don't get ahead of yourself buddy"

After a while, I reluctantly climb out of his arms and out of bed.

"I'll get going then. I'll see you later Liv." He says and stands up. He kisses the top of my head like he always does when he leaves, and walks back home next door.

Shawn's POV

It was all so fast. Everything I've always wanted so bad, I've finally got. Alivia was almost my own, just like that.

I walk home and go straight to my room. I pick up my guitar and start writing.

Darling I want all strings attached,
Love it when you look at me like that..
You're the only girl that brings me back..
Cause baby I want all the strings attached.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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