Chapter One: Where Has He Gone?

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My life has never been normal. I knew my fate at a young age, and it stuck with me constantly. I was one of six others who were like me. We had the choice to change the prophecy in which we were born with, but none of us were brave enough to do it, except me.

The end of the world will be all because of me and my stupid ability, I thought, while I observed the charred plains of what used to be a beautiful flower field. It was because of me that we're all destined to be the last of our kind here on this planet. I looked down at my hands as a tiny flame started to form in the middle my right palm. I could charr the whole world in an instant if I wasn't careful. I felt a cold hand on my shoulders. It was Zayland, the Iceborne. I turned to face him. His icy blue eyes and watched me as the cold wind made his white hair fly and flutter.

A hundred years ago, a group of skilled alchemists, witches, and warlocks created the prophecy of the six elements: water, earth, light, dark, fire and ice. The prophecy foretold that a child will be born from each of the elements with an ability that will be more powerful than any supernatural force.

"Thank you," I whispered. He embraced me and suddenly I found myself crying uncontrollably in his arms, he was the only one who loved me and stuck with me. "The world will end because of me. I'm not one of the Savior's, I'm a Destructor!" He steadied my shoulders with his arms and tightened the hug. Both he and I were labeled as the Destructors in the prophecy, and that was part of why we were close. We couldn't let the prophecy be true. The world could never survive without us.

After crying for a while, Zayland pulled away and looked deeply into my eyes then said, "you don't know that, Nora. All you know is that there are many of us and so far all of us don't know how to control ourselves, and end up destroying a few things."

"I understand, but how long will it be before one of us just destroys the whole world?" I said shakily. I looked down at my hands as they engulfed into flames. I stepped back from Zayland. This never happened to me before. I looked at Zayland with a sense of panic, hoping he would know what to do, but even he was mesmerized by the flames. We both knew that my fire could kill his ice in an instant. I could kill him and yet he was the closest to me. He was the only one willing to use his ability to keep mine under control while we all figure out our part in this prophecy.

I wiped my palms on my pants hoping they wouldn't catch fire like the last time. I reached for my necklace and let out a sigh. I hated my nervous habits...

Zayland looked at me and whispered his little chants to cool me down and suddenly I was cold. Zayland embraced me again and kissed my forehead which made me blush like crazy. I stared back at the charred land that was once a beautiful flower field. It once was a calming getaway for me, now it's a reminder of how I'm never meant to be a Savior. I closed my eyes and let out a content sigh.When I opened my eyes, we had teleported back to the stone temple where we made home.

It wasn't much, just an old cobblestone tower with a few beds lined up. The walls were stone and bare making everything seemed cold. It was my job, and my training, to create a fire in the fireplace. It bothered me that I struggled with creating a small flame, but I can burn a whole village with ease. I make myself sick with all this Destructor talk, I thought to myself with hatred. All of a sudden, the fireplace exploded with blue flames. I covered my eyes and cussed under my breath. One little mistake and we all could lose our home.

Our "father", the Great Alchemist, Sir Noeland, raised us and trained us, the six elements, here. He was there when we were "born" from each element, sixteen years ago. All of us were humans born from six different elements and given the ability of those elements. Noeland was a wise alchemist, which is why he was chosen to raise us. He started training each of us at the age of six, three years after receiving our powers, and he did not go easy on us. He told each of us that our lives will be hard. We had a prophecy to fulfill, some of us may die, yet it was our choice to change how the prophecy would go. He warned us how change may cause a consequence. After that lecture, Noeland got right to work on what would be the most life changing ten years of his old life.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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