Epilogue: "Tell'm That it's my Birthday and I Party Like That...."

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"Wake up!!!" Someone's voice whispered in my ear as I was shaken awake. Me being, well, me simply shooed whomever it was away and turned around as I snuggled deeper into my pillow.

"Angel," I groaned as I was shaken again. "Babe, c'mon, I wanna tell you something."

"Go away!" I mumble sleepily. "It's not even morning yet."

"What can I say? The sky is awake, so I'm awake!" He says in an annoyingly cheery voice.

I popped one eye open, "Did you just quote Frozen?"

"You opened your eyes didn't you?" He smirks at me, and for the first time I realise that he's actually sitting on my bed and straddling me.

"And now, they're closing again..." I say as I once more try to give myself over to sleep. Just as I was about to let myself go into the world of blissful dreams, I felt something soft on my lips.

Suddenly wide awake, my lips start moving on their own accord to reciprocate Josh's. We keep kissing for a while - sleep far within my reach, sadly - until I need to come up for air.

"What was that for?" I ask.

"An early birthday gift." He says giving me another small peck. "Happy birthday angel."

"Birthday? What time is it?" I wonder sitting up and looking around.

"I'd say around 12:15?" He speculates. "I don't know, you took a pretty long while to wake up."

"Don't judge okay? I need my beauty sleep." I grumble.

He smiles at me, "No you don't."

I put a hand on his cheek, "Awww, thanks babe! I love you, but too cheesy." I say giggling as I jokingly give him a small slap.

"You did not just do that!" He mockingly warns.

"Oh yes I did..." I tell him sticking my tongue out.

"Why you little..." Josh then jumps atop of me and, before I know it, I'm laughing hysterically as his fingers attack me.

"Stop!" I gasp in between fits of laughter. "I swear if you don't, then-" I stop as I'm forced to laugh some more.

"Then what?" He raises an eyebrow and I smirk.

"Then you won't be getting any till your second year of college." Just like I thought, he stops with both hands held up in surrender.

Footsteps suddenly echo through the hallway making me push Josh under my bed in panic. Not three seconds later, my dad is opening my bedroom door. "Honey, you okay?"

"Yeah, daddy, I'm fine." I say putting up my best act of innocence.

"I could've sworn I heard something." He mutters and I almost feel that he's onto me from the slight amusement filling his eyes.

"Oh! Umm," Think, think, think. "Someone just sent me a funny text, so I might've been laughing a bit."

"Yeah, that must've been it." He comes closer to the bed, and I can swear he can heart my heart beat. Instead of commenting on it though, he simply gives me a quick kiss on my forehead. "Well, happy birthday sweetheart."

"Thanks dad." I smile sincerely.

"I'll be downstairs if you need me okay?" I simply nod, and am just about to sigh in relief as he closes the door when he turns around once again. "Josh, you can come out of hiding you know?"

Timidly, Josh comes out from under the bed scratching his neck, "Thank you, sir."

My dad shakes his head looking at us both, "It's a good thing I like you, or else you'd be 10 ft. down by now."

"I wouldn't doubt it, sir." Josh answers looking adorably scared.

"Good." And with that he closes the door and - finally - leaves.

"I'm honestly just thankful that wasn't Nick." Josh says as he sits back next to me on the bed.

"You and me both." I tell him.

"I got you something." He said looking nervous as he hands me a small box. As I open it, I'm rendered speechless. Inside the box lay one of the most gorgeous necklaces I've ever laid eyes on; I didn't know exactly how to describe it other than it looked a bit like an infinity sign, but with an extra bigger loop, decorated in what looked like diamonds, at the bottom where a pearl rested.

I looked up at Josh after a minute of examining it, but before I even got a word out, he interrupted, "Since we started dating, I realised that you had an interest in astrology, so...umm...I researched a bit and found out that Gemini's birth stone is a pearl, and Aries' is a black diamond. I don't know, I just thought you'd like, but-" I reached up and gave him a lingering, soft kiss.

"I love it, and I love you." I told him sincerely.

"Really?" He sighed in relief as I nodded.

"Isn't it too much though?" I asked and he looked at me as if I'd grown a third head or something.

"Angel, don't you worry you're pretty little mind about that ok? It's your birthday, and I love you, so I'll be damned if I didn't spoil you rotten. Got it?" I nodded with an amused smile gracing my face. "Now come over here and sleep, because you've got a long day ahead of you."

I wondered what he meant, but didn't question it further as I let him spoon me as sleep took over the both of us.


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