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Hiya,another oneshot because I'm just on a role;). Hahaha,anyways thumbs up,comment your opinions,constructive criticism, suggestions,ideas,honestly just tell me what you think. This ones a lot longer but I like to vary the lengths a lot because I know that I sometimes enjoy reading the longer ones and other times shorter. But anyway I hope you enjoy it,

Lots of love morgan x


Nobody knew. For years I tried to hide away what I felt. Is there somethwere I can hide it? Lock it up? Is there a cure? A treatment? A religion? I looked up at my bestfriend. She just looked back at me,blankly. I couldn't make out her expression,which was uncanny to say how well I know her, but I could see she was thinking,hard. She crossed her arms across her large chest and looked up at the starry night sky obliviously. I sat there, anxiously awaiting a reply,a smile? Anything!

I looked down at the floor. What had I done? I knew this would ruin our friendsjop but it just came out. I couldn't hold it in much longer. I needed to know.

After what semt like forever the silence whas broken.

"Look!" She exclaimed,uncrossing her one of her arms and pointing towards the sky. "A shooting star!" She cried,her twinkling eyes lighting up and following the light as it dived through the mass' of black sea.

"Make a wish," she whisperd gently. Her soft voice caressed me and I shivered. She was so beautiful. Her eyes looked so blue under the moonlight and her golden hair stood out against the dark,it kind of glew,brighting up the night.

I looked up into the sky and closed my eyes.

I knew what I was wishing for and without haste I mumbled the rhyme and then mouthed the few words into the palms of my enclosed hands. Holding my wish carefully,I turned to look at my friend. She ws still making her wish and I could hear her tunefully singing the rhyme,mumble her wish and take a deep breath. Opening her eyes and turning toweads me, locked into a glance.

"Ready?" She asked quietly. I smiled and nodded in reply.

"1," she began.

"2," I whispered.


With this we both looked up towards the night,opened up our palms and blew our wishes away.

There was a silence for a few minutes,a beautiful silence where no words were needed.

"What did you wish for?' I asked.

I'd always ask this,even when we was little and she'd never tell me.

"You can't tell!" She exclaimed "you know what happens when you tell a wish!".

I frowned.

She grabbed my hand, "But I can show you?" She asked. And with that she placed her other cold,soft hand in the curve of my neck and pulled me closer. "After all" she continued, "all my wishes have already come true anyway".

We didn't watch the sky anymore that night. We didn't eagerly watch out for anyt falling stars either. You see we just lay there, hand in hand...because there's no need to wish on stars..when you have everything you've always wished for<3

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