Vampires Chapter One: This Isn't Real

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We both sat in the grass, looking at the shining stars in the dark, night sky. I think he could tell that I didn't want him to say anything, that I just wanted some quiet. His hand shifted through the grass, finding mine. I blushed and turned my head down, but didn't object. "...pretty, isn't it...?" Ryan murmured, just loud enough so I could hear it. "Yeah." Wanting silence, but not an awkward one, I stood up, my hand still in his. "C'mon, let's walk." "If I walk, can I say anything?" he groaned, meaning to annoy me. "If I kiss you, will you shut up?" I laugh. "Wh-!" Something shoves me to the ground, and Ryan's on top of me. "I think that's a pretty good deal." he says, his eyes romantic yet serious yet so many emotions all at the same time. I can't tell if he's kidding, so I just smile and tug his chain down, so his lips meet mine.  Ooh...he was serious I think. He plays with my hair as we kiss, and slowly pulls me up so I'm standing. Suddenly he seems serious, not in that playful romantic mood I love about Ryan. "Do you believe in vampires?" he asks, his eyes stern and his mouth straight. "What the heck?" I laugh, "What on earth are you-" "Do you or do you not?" He asks again. "Uh...well..." I rock my feet back and forth uncomfortably. "I...yes." "Good..." he whispers, sits us down, and starts nibbling at my neck. "S-stop..." I giggle. "I'm sorry." he whispers. Then...I don't know. I felt pain...and could smell felt so dark and cold...yet I felt warm and safe...but...hollow. Empty. I passed out, I know. I awoke in a hospital...feeling dizzy, cold, and scared. "R-Ryan?" were the first words I said, and my eyes opened, blinded from the bright light of the hospital room. I surveyed my surroundings. There was a shot in my arm, pumping what I thought was blood into me. Freaky... I thought. There was a shelf, a small window, and a TV playing football. I guess there's no gues- "Hey, beautiful." a familiar, sad voice called out. "Ryan?" I replied, turning my head to the opposite side of the room where the voice came from. "Yeah, it's me. You feeling alright Sam? What do you remember? Are you in pain?" he kept asking questions like that. "I-I I feel okay...I don't remember anything though...R-Ryan? Why am I here? What happened?" Ryan looked down at the floor guiltily, then sighed and answered "It'll all make sense soon, okay? The nurse'll be back any second and...she'll tell you. I'm bad at explaining things...just...I'm sorry. I love you Samantha. I don't know why I did it...I-I'm sorry!" his eyes teared up and he slumped into the chair, looking depressed. "What are you talking about...? It's okay, Ryan. Just please don't cry!"  I begged, HATING seeing him upset...he had the most pitiful face whenever he cried. "Y-you're gonna hate me!" he sobbed, and tears fell down his pale face. The door to my room clicked open. "Hello Miss Baker!" a girl looking cheerful cried out, entering my room. She must be the nurse...she'll hopefully explain what Ryan's so sad about. "Oh hello, Ryan! Been a while since I've seen you!" she laughed, but there must've been some past between them, for Ryan blushed, then seemed to get mad and looked down at the checkered floor. "So have you told her where she is, what happened, what you and her are now, and such?" she asked. "No...I can't. You mind if I leave the room, Courtney?" Ryan answered, his lip quavering. "No, not at all, Mister Dudeck! I'll handle this by myself, Mister Dudeck." He nodded, and got up, gave me a kiss, then left the room, mumbling something about the cafeteria. Courtney giggled "Boys. Can't tell when a girl needs their support. Now hon, what do you want me to call you? We need to get this form filled out." "Um...uh, I'm Sam...Samantha Carly Baker." I awkwardly replied, turning toward the window. The questions went on for I'd say a half hour to an hour. "Alright now, hon. It's time for me to tell you what you believe in vampires?" "Uh...yeah..." "Alrighty then...well, your boyfriend, fiance, husband, close friend, whatever the heck Ryan is to you...he's a vampire, hon." Courtney smiled. "Wh-WHAT?! N-no! No! Is this MTV Pranks? Oh I get it...ha ha! Very funny cameras! VERY FUNNY!" I laughed nervously, my heart beat getting faster. Courtney shook her head, her blonde ponytail following after. "This isn't a joke, Miss Baker. Your I'm guessing boyfriend, Ryan, is a vampire." I looked at her hazel eyes. There wasn't a hint of laughter, sarcasm, or anything of the sort in them. Her eyes were just like Ryan's, pretty yet serious yet happy all in one mix. Weird. "Y-you're really not...then...okay. Keep going..." I was in shock. I didn't know what to say. Suddenly, a lot of stuff made sense. How he always didn't like going on bike rides and going on picnics during the day...why he always put sunscreen on except for at night...why he liked meat so much...why he was so pale! It all made sense. "Now...why you're here. I guess Ryan didn't drink blood for a month...the thing is, if a vampire doesn't have any for a the end of the month, whomever they're closest to at the moment, they drink from. No matter how close they are to them. Just to even say sorry is like having ten thousand bricks drag on your mouth as you say the words. I know, because I drank from my mortal brother once. I managed to say it though. Anyway, Ryan drank from you. By the way, did he say anything?" Courtney wondered. There was a silence as I thought of Ryan drinking from me...not being able to explain...that must've...been horrible. "Um..." I urged my mind to think back to...last night, I guess. "Y-um..." C'mon... "Yes. He said I'm sorry." Courtney's eyes widened, probably thinking about how hard that would be. "Wow. Anyway, now, onto where you are. You are at the WVHN. Or the Wilmington Vampire Hospital for Newcomers. You, my friend, the second you awoke, became an official vampire. Most people die after being drank from. You're one of the unlucky ones. You're a vampire, and will live for another million years. Unless you're shot or knifed or poisoned or staked or-well. You get it." "W-h-I-I'm a-a vampire?" My eyes widened, I could tell I turned paler than most vampires should be, and passed out. Somehow my mind was still awake in my sleep. This is a dream...I'm still asleep...and I'll wake up at my house, with Ryan looking over the couch with me on it. He'll say I fell asleep, and he brought me to his house. He told my mom and dad where I was, and his dad too. Everything's fine, he'll tell me. Then I'll tell him my crazy dream and we'll be laughing our heads off, rolling on the floor. It'll be back to normal, and one day maybe we'll marry. Then everything will be perfect. For now...I'll just sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2011 ⏰

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