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Standing outside the beautiful white French doors my fist hovered inches from the door itself. I wanted to knock but so many thoughts were flying through my mind at this exact moment. What if this was the wrong decision? What if this would complicate things? What if I make myself look like an idiot doing this?

What was I really doing standing at this door? I've tried so hard to stay under the radar and to keep away from most relationships. So how did I end up here at this door with a fist hovering over the door seconds away from begging Colton to accept my apology.

Letting out a deep sigh I let my fist fall against the door knocing lightly on it. The knocking sounded in the silent hallway causing me to rethink everything for a second time within minutes of just standing here.There were a few sounds of shuffling inside the room and some hushed whispers before the door was flung open revealing a half naked Colton.

Honestly I was planning on saying something intelligent and very eloquent unfortunately the sight of a half naked Colton caused my brain to freeze and my tongue to seize up. At this moment my mouth was open and closing causing me to resemble a fish.

"What?" He snapped making me flinch back a bit.

"Be nice..." Andrew called lazily from inside the room.

"Um...I wanted to...to apologize to you." I replied shakily as my eyes trailed up from his chest to his face.

He leaned against the door frame and motioned with one arm to come inside the room. Nodding my head I slowly made my way past him. Squeezing past Colton who was only wearing a pair of blue plaid boxers it took everything in me not to check him out again.

Instantly I was surrounded by the sweet scent of vanilla drifting through their room. The majority of the lights were off so I couldn't examine the room but the light on the nightstand was on along with several candle that were scattered haphazardly around the room, no doubt the source of the heavenly aroma.

"Welcome to our humble room!" Andrew greeted me from the bed where he was still lying with only a towel drapped over his backside. He patted the bed next to him inviting me to come and sit with him.

Slowly I walked the rest of the way over to the bed feeling a little wary of the entire situation. The sound of the door closing and locking behind me just as I sat down on the bed next to Andrew startled me. He was smiling widely and in the soft lighting I could see a thin layer of baby oil covering his exposed flesh.

Yeah I'm not sure I'll be able to get through this alive.

"So what did you want to say?" Colton asked as he walked to the other side of the bed. Sitting down on the bed beside Andrew his hand ran across his brother's back in such a distracting way that I had trouble remembering what the hell I was in there for.

"Well I wanted...to...I wanted to apologize to Colton fo-"

"Call me Colt." He interrupted causing me to lose my train of thought again as I looked up at him. His piercing eyes shot through me making me lose my breath for a second or two. Damn. Why did he have to be so gorgeous.

"Yeah and call me Drew!" Drew exclaimed before turning to his brother. "Can you finish with the massage?" He whined.

"If you're okay with it..." Colt replied looking at me.

"Yeah. That's cool." I replied halfheartedly my eyes never leaving his as he threw one leg over Drew's back and stradled his ass. He leaned forward and ran his hands along Derw's sides slowly. I watched as he applied more pressure as he went back up his sides stopping right under his arms.

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