Chapter 6 - You Play A Good Game But Im A Better Player

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I left Harry standing outside himself. He is so up himself it's unbelievable. He is so cocky that I want to make him jealous, for my benefit. I got up and stand taking to Niall.

"Hey babe!" He has such a genuine smile on his face.

"Hello, I thought I come over and talk to you, all the designers are filling my head with all this stuff and I need to time to chill and have a good laugh and if anyone is up for it, it's your right?"

"Totally, you've came to the right man, why don't we go have a seat!" Niall leads me to a big comfy looking 2 seater designer chair.

"So Ella, tell me about yourself!" He said cherry.

"We'll what do you want to know" I replied.

"Everything, tell me the life of Ella Evans"

"Well.. I'm from Chelsea, I'm just a normal girl really, nothing too exciting"

"Oh yeah, a world international models life isn't exciting" (note sarcasm)

"We'll yeah there is that but other than my fabulous job that's it, nothing to amazing to say about my life, not that I'm not grateful because I am, really grateful for all the opportunities I've had"  

I had a genuine smile on my face, talking to Niall was so easy and relaxing.

"Yeah that's what's great about you though, you are a genuinely lovely person" he smiled at me.

"Thanks Niall, so what's it like then? Being in the biggest boy bands of the world?" I chuckled.

"Amazing, I love my job, my life, the guys, it's just perfect"

"That's great Niall, you seem really happy"

"I am, because Im talking to the most beautiful girl in the room"  

I blushed.

"Awh shut up" I playfully pushed him.


I seen her. She was talking to Niall. 

I don't know if she was just trying to annoy me or if she ACTUALLY liked him. 

I hope she didn't. I went over to them.

"Mind if I join yous" I butted into their conversation, Ella rolled her eyes. Damn she was cute.

"If you MUST" she replied.  

Niall looked confused.

"Have yous two spoke before" Niall said. 

"We might have" Ella butted in.

"Yeah she's in love with me" she rolled her eyes again.

"Oh yeah, Sure!" (Note sarcasm)

"Anyways I have to go guys, ill see you later" she got up and left.

"I'll text you later okay Ella, and ill pick you up at 5 on Saturday" Niall gave her a hug as I was confused.

Wait. What was happening on Saturday.

"Eh mate, what's happening on Saturday?"

"Oh I'm taking Ella on a date" he said smug.


Okay I have to turn my flirting up a notch.

She plays a good game but I'm a better player.

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