Chapter 1: A Fine Introduction

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Summer of Marigold's 7th year was one she didn't forget. The end of another hard and lonely year, she escaped into the summer with an open heart. The whether was rough the first week, it never stopped raining. The next week, her father decided to spend each day teaching her plant magic. All was well until she accidentally planted a great oak in the middle of the basement. Her mother wasn't fond of the new basement accessory, but they were still proud of her.

The next week, she met a stranger in town.

It wasn't all too fine of an introduction when Marigold had met Tobias, she felt as though he was only inconvenienced by her. However, she fully intended to take advantage of the newcomer, someone who knew her not as the beast from years before.

She'd met Tobias twice. The second time she assisted him in finding a suitable home, which was an old worn down barn in the middle of Dan's field.

It was a mediocre introduction, and he couldn't seem to remember her name all too well, however he seemed to not have all too good of a memory altogether.

She decided to ignore the faults in their introduction, and befriend Tobias.

She skipped through the woods, down the path to Dan's field. She had some kind of pleasant feeling as she traveled. As though she were starting something wonderful.

As she entered the clearing of Dan's field, she saw Tobias with a hammer and nails standing next to a stack of boards.

"Hello." She said kindly.

Tobias turned to her.

He looks at her for a moment, then says, "Who are you?"

Marigold makes a face. "First he couldn't remember my he can't remember who I am..."

"Oh wait--" Tobias snapped his fingers. "Trudy! Right?"

"Not even close..." Marigold smiles slightly. "I'm Marigold."

The bright side of his bad memory was that every meeting was like a first, giving Marigold dozens of first impressions to provide.

Marigold looks up at the summer sky smiling. "It's some nice weather."

"Not last night." Tobias groaned. "It rained so hard the roof fell in and the door blew off."

"Oh dear."

"Yeah, whoever told me about this place is on my 'To Die' list."

"Oh." Marigold snapped her mouth shut. "Wonder who it was."

Marigold stepped forward. "Would you like any help?"

"You'd just get in the way."


"Go into town and buy me some hinges. The ones on this door are far too rusty."

Marigold makes a bizarre expression. "Uh...okay."

She rushed off into town, heading into Benny's Hardware store.

Benny, he was an old man. Tall, silent, and had a cold stare to anyone who looked his way.

Marigold always felt a bit scared around him, but she did her best to smile when in his store.

The bell rung in a friendly tone, and everyone in the store casually turned to Marigold, a bit of discomfort in their faces as she stepped in.

She bit her lip, and bowed politely. "Good morning."

The others turn away in no response. Benny is seen stocking shelves as Marigold brushes past him cautiously. She walks over to a line of shelves covered with hinges, knobs, and a bunch of things she didn't quite understand.

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