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A/n I feel there aren't enough of these so let's go!!

~Troye's pov~

I sit down to turn my camera but I don't actually have any ideas for a video I could do another awkward conversation with Troye video but I've done a lot of videos lately, which is weird for me but I really do love my audience and it is because of them that I've come this far. You don't have to say I love you to say I love you erupted from my phone, yes I have my own song as my ring tone don't judge me!! (a/n BUY BLUE NEIGHBORHOOD ON ITUNES)
The name on my phone reads Connie frannie I smile to myself because I love my beautiful boyfriend (sorry still not over that) but I'm at home for a month to celebrate the holidays with my friends and family.
I don't really consider this house my home anymore connor is my home (oh god this is cheesy.)
"Hello," his beautiful accent comes through the phone as my family shoots me a look to tell them who it is "Connah!" I yell answering my phone and telling my family who I'm talking to, they all give me a suggestive smirk before turning away.
I run into my room.
"How are you, I miss you." I hear connor say
"I'm good it's great to see Steele again and I miss you too con con"
"Love you tro" connor says softly through the phone making me smile
"Love you too look gotta go I'll Skype you later tyde and sage are probably listening through the door" I smile as a soft giggle comes through the phone
"Bye troye boy"
"Bye con"
My smile is now big and I takes a deep breath to stop smiling I do miss connor but distance is good for the relationship ,right?
I open my bedroom door to see my little brother tyde and sage by my door but also the rest of my family even Steele's girlfriend . I glare at them as they all scamper off "HEY" I yell chasing after them before they all collapse into fits of giggles while I stand there trying to look mad after all I am an actor . "Sorry troye" my dad smiles "we just thought it would be interesting"
"Yeah" tyde smirked before winking at me ,the cheeky little shit .
"Whatever " I add before heading back downstairs to watch tv .
~ magical time skip a few hours~
"Hey troye"sage giggles
"Yeah" I huff
"Isn't today a frantastic day"I glare at her for a little while then it hit me it's Monday in America before running back upstairs to my room laughs filling the house

~Connors pov~

I just started to upload my Monday video so I thought I'd call troye as I wasn't doing anything as of now
"Hello" I speak into the phone when troye finally picked up .
"Connah" I hear the blue eyed Aussie yell through the phone and I assumed he was running upstairs due to the sound his feet were making .
"How are you I miss you"
"I'm good it's great to see Steele again and I miss you too con con"he says
"Love you tro" I mumble thinking about how many time before we started dating he must have said he loved me and I didn't realise.I snap back into realisation hearing troyes voice ,"love you too look gotta go I'll Skype you later tyde and sage are probably listening through the door "I giggle to myself troyes family was adorable !
"Bye troye boy"
"Bye con con" the line goes dead troye probably found his whole family outside his door I love the mellets and troye and I've noticed how much the fans pick up on that there amazing but tronnor isn't going to be like troyler and they know that that's why I love them.


Hey hey hey merry fic mas

Blame tumblr that's why I'm like this

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