Ch. 1

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This story is going to have gore, killing, cannibalism, and other intense stuff so viewers discretion is advised. This will also contain the ghouls from the anime "Tokyo Ghoul" but with a spin on them so same concept but different abilities. I don't own the idea from "Tokyo Ghoul" or the characters. I will be honest with you when I say that I haven't seen all of Tokyo Ghoul (in all honesty I have only seen the first episode and read some of the manga) but I plan to make a story off of my ideas and what I have seen of the show so far. So don't hate even though I don't have the whole idea. Even so I hope that if you like Tokyo Ghoul that you will enjoy my version as well. Finally I hope you enjoy the first chapter!

"It's all your fault!" I screamed at the lifeless bodies of my parents in laying their own puddles of blood below me, "How could you do this to us! How could you not tell us!" I was now hyperventilating as I glared down at the two bloody bodies of disconnected parts that were almost unrecognizable as my parents. The smell of iron flowed the house with my parent's fluids everywhere. From blood on the walls to organs laying out in the open with bones that still had some muscles connected to them. The scene laid out before me was of pure red causing me to choke on the smell.

"This is what you get," I told the now smeared parts of what was left of my parents,"This is what you get for sneaking around behind people's backs and having a shady lifestyle. This is what you get for not being careful of who you tell our secret to. This is what you get for leaving your children behind to fend for themselves." I spat out the last words like they were sour milk as I glared down at them. I hated them. No I loathed them. They did this to our family. Why couldn't they just lived the way other ghouls did? Undercover and unnoticed? Why did they have to seek help from humans? They weren't naive enough to think for a second that our kind would be able to live peacefully with humans. Did they?

I jumped when my one year younger brother suddenly grabbed me by the wrist yanking me hard. I turned to look at him and his skinny body was in the same state as mine. Covered in thick red blood from head to toe. His pale now dirty with blood face filled with worry and fear.

"We have to go," He told me as he pulled myself away from the gruesome scene that played out before us and started running through the house,"If we don't get away or we will be killed too." We slammed the back door to our house open as we dashed across the open field of long weed like grass in the night. Our hands clasped together tightly as if we let go the other would disappear. Our bare feet smacking against the wet grassy dirt as the cold rain poured soaking our clothes. Pants of breath mixed with the loud sound of rain and thunder filled the midnight air. We didn't dare look back. We kept running as our life depended on it.


I screamed as I woke up in shock instantly springing up grasping at my bed sheets. I was trembling and gasping for air as sweat trickled down my body. The sound of rain filled my bedroom making me look toward the window.

I put my hands on my sensitive ears when lightning stuck outside illuminating my bedroom causing a loud booming noise. It shook the house causing me to scramble out of bed and duck underneath my nearby desk. God I hate thunderstorms. They always remind me of the worst days of my childhood. Out of all the things to be scared of it's thunderstorms.

Suddenly the door to my bedroom was flung open making it slam against the wall.

"Raven!" I heard a distressed familiar voice yell. I yelped as another thunderbolt cracked giving away where I was. The brown haired person hurried over to me squatting down to my level. It was my younger brother. He reached out and pulled me into a hug as he started rubbing my back with his hand in circles trying to soothe my trembling body.

"Do you want me to get Papa and Dad?" He asked his pulling away to see his warm blue eyes lit up by the moonlight as he waited for my response. He probably asked because their bedroom was downstairs on the other side of the two story house so they probably didn't hear my scream. Unlike my brother who's room is right next to mine. Before I could respond he bolted bravely out of my room leaving the door wide open to my irritation.

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