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"Summer school?" Alexis read from the sign then turning to her mother which she hasn't spoken to for 3 hours.

The glint in her mothers eyes were something she has seen many times before, it's the look a mother would give to her child before presenting them with a plate that was full of broccoli, a child's worst nightmare.

Her mother started to speak each word spitting with venom as a smirk appeared on her face.
"Yes, Summer School. I've had enough of getting complaints so hopefully this will sort you out, the people here are well behaved and are doing amazing in their classes, both things you aren't, I knew what I was being called to school for so I already packed your bags. I'll probably see you in 3 months or so, love you honey, take care."
Her mother went into the back of the car once she was finished speaking and got out Alexis' bags placing them in front of her daughter and then took off in her car.

The dirt beneath Alexis' feet squelched at each step she took, she groaned dropping her bags and reaching into her jacket pocket, taking out a pack of cigarettes and her lighter. She lit up the stick and took a big inhale before sighing at the relief of finally getting a cigarette after 3 hours of being in her mothers car and 1 hour of being in her school listening to her head teacher babble on and on at how her behavior was not up to standard and neither were her grades.

"There's no smoking here y'know." She heard a voice behind her, she turned around and scoffed at the brown haired probably goodie-goodie church boy in front of her.

"There's no smoking here," the boy spoke again as he huffed grabbing the fire lit stick of tobacco and attempting to blow it out making Alexis scoff, Alexis grabbed the cigarette off of the innocent boy and took one last puff before dropping it in the floor and stepping on it.

"That's littering, you could get fined for that." The boy stated as he looked down at the squashed cigarette then back up at the girl in front of him.

"Oh no shit, but does it look like I care?" Alexis asked the innocent boy.

"No but-" she cut him off.

"Exactly." She stated before picking up her bags and turning around and walking in the direction of what looked like dorms.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2015 ⏰

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