The Chistmas

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I Do not own Ghost Hunt or it's characters.

It was Christmas Eve, to be more exact 24th December. The SPR building was decorated by Christmas ornaments, much to Naru's dismay. Mai was so stubborn about decorating the office,Naru didn't even have the time to protest. All members of SPR were gathered in the lobby of the office, except Lin and Naru.

Normal POV

"So, do you guys have any plans for Christmas?" Asked Mai

"I have a concert tomorrow; it's going to be awesome" replied the Monk

"I am going to spend my Christmas at the orphanage with the children" John said

"I will be spending my Christmas with my family" Said Masako

"ahhh," Ayako signed and said " I have duty at the hospital. Around this time of year the number of patient increase due to drink driving and stuff."

"What about you Yasu?" Mai asked. Yasu was staying quite which was unusual for him. However when Mai asked him, he replied with a sly look in his eye.

"I was planning to spend my Christmas with my darling Monk, however he seems to be busy tomorrow so I will be spending time with my family" Yasu said inching close to the creeped up Monk. The rest of the SPR laughed while the Monk shivered and said

"Man you seriously have to stop that"

"I have no doubt that Lin and Naru are going to be here, cooped up doing their work. What about you Mai?" The Miko asked

"Oh, I have a date tomorrow, after that I will be home enjoying the Christmas by myself." Mai replied.

"Mai, how come you didn't tell us about the date? Who is it? How did you meet him? Do you like him?" Ayako bombarded Mai with questions.

"No Ayako, I don't like him yet, but I will try my best to fall for him. He is a good guy, his name is Hiroshi Kagura. We meet in college and we are in the same class. Last week he confessed to me saying the he liked me ever since the college open ceremony and he asked me out for Christmas" Mai explained.

"Mai I forbid you from going to this date of yours. Who knows he could do something to you" Monk explained.

"Oh leave her alone, she is a big girl. If anyone she should be afraid, I think you should be the one" Yelled Ayako .

"What was that supposed to mean" Monk yelled back.

"Mai, I can't belive your cheating on me, i thought we were an item" Yasu cried animatedly.

"Can you guys keep it quiet" Naru said as he exited the office "and Mai"

"Yes Naru"

"Tea" with that he went back in to his office.

"That jerk, don't even know the proper manners that even a one year old would know, and people call him a genius" Mai mumbled as she went to the kitchen to prepare tea for everyone.

Naru's POV

I was listening to the conversation out in the lobby and they were getting loud. I want to check out what going on. When I was about to open the door I heard Ayako asking Mai about a Guy. When i heard Mai's reply to her questions my blood stated to run cold. Mai has a date. Mai is going out with some random guy. I couldn't take it anymore so I interrupted their conversation by asking Mai to make tea.

As I went back to my seat I was thinking of the time when I realized that I was in love with Mai. It was after I left to go England. During my time away I couldn't concentrate on anything. I was constantly thinking about her, weather she was safe or if she found a new job. I didn't drink a cup of tea while I was away. That's when I realized that I need her by my side to prevent my world spinning in a spiral. So asked Lin to book the next flight back home, where Mai is. Suddenly I heard the knock on my door, I knew it was Mai. I can't let Mai go. I told her to come in with one taught on my mind.

'I will never let you go from my side Mai'

Normal POV

Mai knocked on Naru's office/Cave door. She heard him saying her to come in so she balanced the tea tray on one hand and open the door with the other as she entered the office. It was dark, the only source of light was from his laptop.

"Here's your tea Naru" Mai said. Naru took the tea and took sip. Mai waited for her 'thank you' but as usual it never came. So she turned round and was about to open the door to exit, but she stopped as she heard Naru call her Name.

"Naru did you call me?" Mai asked to confirm that she was not hearing things.

"Yes I did, what's your plan for tomorrow?" He asked

"Oh I have a date at 11:30 in the morning, after that I am free" she replied.

"Well cancel your date with the Guy" Naru told her without even looking t her.

"WHY?!! Don't tell me we have a case tomorrow. Oh what do we do, the others have plans. Naru you could have told us earlier." Mai stated to panic. Suddenly she felt a hand touching her shoulder trying to calm her down. She looked up to see Naru right in front of her. Her face turned bright red at their close proximity.

"No Mai, we don't have a case, it just you are not allowed to date anyone except me. You are mine and only mine. As you know I don't share what is mine". With that he pressed his lips with Mai's. At first Mai was shock; however seconds later closed her eyes and kissed him back as she circled her hands around his neck. Naru broke the kiss in need of air and looked straight at Mai and said.

"I am sorry about what I said about you and Gene, I know l hurt you. Please forgive me and stay by my side forever Mai"

"you really are an idiot scientist you know that and I forgive you for what you said" with that Naru kissed Mai again.

"Oh Mai, tell that Hiroshi Guy that you got a boyfriend"


Unknown to the love birds Lin was near the door recording the whole thing with a smirk on his face.

"Madoka, and Luella are going to love this" Lin whispered to himself.

Merry Chistmas

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