The beginning

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Across the dance floor is where I first notice him. His skin shone in the moonlight breaking in through the doors. He caught my eyes, his connecting with mine and holding them captive. He smiled softly at me and began to walk towards me, weaving his way carefully through the throng of dancers to stop in front of me. "I don't think we have met before my lady. Who might you be?" taking and kissing the back of my hand, "I am Amuneta. The dancer and daughter of the head of the palace guards." I informed him with a smile of my own. He blinked, "I was not aware Rikmal had a daughter. Especially a daughter as beautiful as you..." I blushed.

That was how I met the young prince of Egypt just before he became pharaoh.
The month after was met with a confused look on fathers face as he fetched me from our home, "The prince has asked for your presence. He wishes for you to spend the day with him." I looked down at Bako, my baby brother, only five months old. "Who will care for him?", "The prince won't mind if you wish to bring the boy along I should think." I nodded in assent and scooped the child into my arms as father placed the carrying sling around my shoulder. Depositing the still sleeping infant in it I proceeded to slip on my sandals.

The walk to the palace was short and uneventful but that changed when I approached the large double doors. They opened with a groan and Ahkmenrah stepped out with a smile. As I stepped forward the baby began to squirm, his eyes fell to the movement. "Is it yours?" he asked with a strange look on his face, "No he is my baby brother." he relaxed with his easy-going smile once more. "May I see him?", "Of course." I responded and we stepped closer to one another as I uncovered Bako's tiny face. He looked up at me and gave me a gummy smile before babbling at me too, "He certainly seems to adore you." Ahkmenrah remarked. I nodded, "As far as knows, I am his mother. Our mother died while holding him shortly after his birth.", "I apologize.", "No need to. The pain was too much for her." the young prince shook his head in assent, grabbed my hand, and gently tugged me inside out of the heat. Leading me through several corridors and rooms and up a flight of stairs. He led me to a grand room where his parents were waiting. "Mother, father, this is Amuneta. The woman I told you about from the celebration last month. Amuneta, these are my parents.", "Pleased to meet you you'r majesties.", "Now there is no need for formalities darling." I was shocked. Shepsaharet then noticed Bako in my arms, calm once more and grasping onto my index finger. "I remember when Ahkmenrah was this young. Giggled all the time. May I hold him?", "Of course." I shifted him until he was resting in her arms. She looked down at the child with a smile, Marankhare looking on wistfully, "If you tap his nose he'll open his mouth and make adorable noises." she did as I suggested, "Nyah Nyah!" he giggled out loud, much to Shepsaharet's delight. "I approve." I looked to Ahkmenrah in confusion only to see him glowing with happiness. He again grabbed me by the hand and led me down several corridors while telling me which room was what before stopping in front of a set of mahogany doors, "Last but not least, my room.", he opened the doors, looking around I was awestruck at what I saw. A bright room with beige and gold walls, and let's not forget the glass doors leading out to a magnificent garden filled with flowers of all types and sunlight. He chuckled at my expression, "I take it your impressed?", I gave him my look that said 'Gee, you don't say?!' he laughed harder. "This room is always open to you.", he remarked with a soft look on his face. I didn't even bother to contemplate any deeper meaning behind his words. "So what's your favorite color?", he asked into the silence. "Purple.", I answered.

We continued as such until Shepsaharet came to us. "Sorry to disturb you both but the baby won't stop fussing. I believe he wishes for you my dear.", she said with a fond smile on her face as she held him out for me. Taking him into my arms I smiled down at the babe as he calmed looking upon my face. "You're a natural at that.", Ahkmenrah commented. I smiled a little wider as Bako gurgled happily, "I would not go that far. I only try my best to be what he needs and deserves. It was mothers wish for father to keep him despite her not being there to care for the boy in his early years. He agreed, later crying to me that he didn't know what to do. I showed him how to make a rolled cheesecloth to feed Bako.", I paused to laugh lightly. "I had absolutely no intentions of losing my little brother. He swiftly became my world from the moment he was placed into my arms by the midwife and grasped onto my finger.", I confided softly. "A lovely story.", a new voice spoke up from the door. "Brother! I did not know you had returned! Amuneta this is my older brother Kahmunrah. Kahmunrah this is Amuneta." "Pleased to meet the woman who I hear has my brother taken by her beauty." I blushed crimson at his words much to his amusement and his mothers as well.
We spoke well past sunset, trading stories and little bits of information about each other before I realized how tired I was. I yawned. "Little brother how about showing your guest to a room so she may rest?" "A most wonderful idea Kahmunrah!" Shepsaharat replied with enthusiasm.
Ahkmunrah showed me through a door connected to his room. The room it led into was truly meant for a princess and not for someone like me. " you can sleep here tonight. I can have a cot brought in for him if you wish."  "No the bed is fine. He prefers to sleep with me most nights. Thank you for the offer though."

Later that night I was woken by Bako's fussing. This isn't very unusual so I just sang him a soft and short lullaby to calm him back to sleep. I didn't know that my song had woken Ahkmenrah as well. At least, not until he spoke that is. "That was a lovely song. You have a beautiful voice."

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