Unexpected Turn

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It's been three days since the incident. And I was stucked in the dungeon. What a pathetic way to go.

 I sat on a hard floor and stared into nothingness. Why, oh why have I done such stupid thing? Maybe this was all a bad dream. Yes, it must be. I closed my eyes and counted to three. One, two, three, no...three, wait...three! 

I opened my eyes to be met with the same pictures. A dungeon.

 And then I heard a sound. Metal clinging against metal. 

The door of my cell opened, revealing two armed soldiers on the entrance. "By the order of The Round, you shall be escorted to the trial" The shorter one spoken, slowly spitting out each syllable. Definitely not from around here. 

I rose from my spot and let them carry me away into the Chamber of Trials. It was rather colorful there, with dominant colors of red and gold as the symbolic colors of the Northern Fangforth. The land of sophistication, wealth and power. At least that's what they all say. 

"If I may begin.." A short, bald guy strolled by my side and raised his hands. It was like an open discussion. Come, bring your kids and then they will bring their kids or friends or animals or whoever they have. Endless rows of empty faces, all staring at me. Not a pleasant scenery at all. 

I cleared my throat, trying to calm my nerves. The bald man was still blabbing about something, but at this point I was in a wreck. Someone stirred my shoulder. 

"What?" I looked up to see my mother beside me, talking. Her lips were moving, but I couldn't utter a word of what she was saying. 

"Sorry?" I muttered again. "You will be fine, don't worry" she pinched my cheeks and smiled at me. She did that always to make me smile. This time, I couldn't. Not when I looked into her eyes seeing that it's already over. 

"I will be.." I answered, giving her a big smile. "It's your turn to defend and free yourself, so go ahead" she stepped aside and nod. I looked at the bald guy who, like everyone else, expected my speech. 

"As you all know.." I began, but another voice cut in, "I'm a monster!" No, wait? What just, how.... The audience gasped, "Tear her to pieces!" someone shouted from the background. "Silence!" bald one screamed. 

"Are you confessing your crime to us?" the question was directed at me. No. "Yes!" my mouth opened, but not on my accord. I took a step forward, shaking my head. 

"No, wait.." the guards grabbed me again. "I think we heard enough. Take her back" baldy gave a command. A silent yet sinister laughter followed me while I was being dragged back to the cell.

 "Wait, that wasn't me! Wait!" I tried to explain, but no one was listening. The guards threw me back into the cell and locked the doors. One of them was even muttering the words of disgust. 

My back hit the cold wall and I fell down to the ground. This can't be happening. Not real! I closed my eyes and quietly sobbed, drowning in my sorrow.


"Wake up!" Soft splash of water made me open my eyes. I blinked a couple of times to adjust to the light. I must have been asleep. 

"So?" a familiar voice spoke up. I looked up, "Lythia, my dearest sister!" she smiled, "Not to forget the only one" she added. "How did you got passed the guards?" I raised my brow. She shrugged, "You have bigger problem here. You are going to be sentenced to death" she said.

 Who breaks the code, will suffer the punishment. Guess it was my time to pay the price. "In that case, can you tell our parents that I'm sorry? I know it sounds and seems bad, but there is nothing else I can do about it" I explained. Not to mention the shame I will bring to my family.

 "Maybe you can't, but Borelli family doesn't back down so quickly." She smirked. She was up to something.

 "I mean it would be a shame if, I don't know, you escape somehow. It would be a real tragedy." She faced me with a victorious smile and threw a small pouch on my bed. "What are planning to do?" I looked at her, watching her green eyes light in excitement. 

"Nothing!" she twirled her hair like a small child. "Such a tragedy, really!" she came in front of me and gave me a bone crashing huge. 

"Go to the Witch of Gorenfor. She's somewhere behind the swamp Tarlish. Be careful and be gone." She winked at me and left the room. I glanced at the pouch and then back at the wooden doors. 

Ridiculous. I can't just storm off. But if I stay here...no, I mustn't think about that. Happy thoughts! Slice of Odarish cheese and some almonds brought from the Valley of Sunrise and a goblet of red wine, with such thick color that reminded me of...blood. 

The image shifted into a terror in shape of a vampire's head. 


I gasped and sat on the bed. So much about happy thoughts. My stomach made a sudden rumble noise, which meant that I haven't ate in a while. Vampires have to eat eventually, don't they? I lay down and sighed. 

Without even considering the pros and cons, I've decided to go where ever my feet took me. So Witch of Gorenfor, it was indeed! 

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