The Brother of Tenebrous

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(Quick author's note: this has not been edited for years. I apologize. Please point out errors! I will fix this later. Thanks for reading it xxx)

I smile slyly at the boys in the ally cornering me. They were looking for some 'weak' girl to prey on. So really it was just karma that I was the girl they'd chosen. I slip my jacket from my shoulders and extend my wings. Yeah, you heard me right, wings; with a capital W. A collective gasp erupts and several of the boys look horrified. Only one remains looking un-shocked. In fact, he grins widely. I whisper "Boo." and four of the five boys run away screaming. I smirk proudly, but my smile melts as I see the one boy still in front of me.

He steps closer and instinctively I step back. He does this again and I back into the wall accidentally. This is not a good position to be in. He leans his hand on the bricks a few inches from my head and leans in super close. "Hello, Angel." he winks.
I groan,"Worst. Pun. Ever."
"Oh, I know." The black haired beauty in front of me shrugs off his own black lather jacket and unfurls his very own pair of wings. But they aren't like mine. They're black. I gasp.
"A demon?"
"That's right. Are you really surprised? Anyways, I'm here to-"
"Kill me?" I whisper.
"No." He grins wider, "Just to capture you."
My eyes widen and I stumble backwards into the rough stone wall. He flicks his free hand at me. A swirl of dark purple dust blows against my cheeks and I slump into his arms, fading in the darkness.

When I wake, I'm laying on my back (which by the way, is super uncomfortable considering the wings and all...) in a cold room on the floor. I open my eyes and my blurry vision focuses like a camera lense. Then I really wake up, bouncing up into a squatting position, my gaze darting all around the room quickly. But my eyes immediately lock on the Demon who caught me leaning leisurely against the wall to my right, holding an apple. He nods and smirks at me when he notices me looking. I just narrow my eyes and stand up straight, walking to him with slow and purposeful steps. He just takes a large juicy bite out of his apple. "Where am I?" I question him in a measured tone.
"In a room." he says, sounding bored.
Rolling my eyes I warn him, "even though I'm an Angel doesn't mean I won't hurt you."
"Well, good to know, but we really are in a room. Don't you trust me?" he mocks an innocent tone, but I'm not amused. Okay fine. Maybe I am. But just a little.
"Demon headquarters. Basically, we've entered the Captured Angels Prison managed by The Demons of Tenebrous. In hell."
I gape. "You're kidding! You... work for The Lord Tenebrous?!"
"Yup. You're the current daughter of Benevolence, aren't you?"
I nod, "But... you don't seem heartless and sinful and vicious and... should I continue?"
"Nah, I get your point. And trust me, I know how to be harsh. I learned plently from my own brother. In fact, my brother IS Tenebrous."
I don't mean to but I gasp aloud.
"What did you say?"
He nods in confirmation, "And speaking of which, I'd better take you to Evain to get you ready. My brother needs to speak with you. And more importantly ask you a very important yet incredibly irritating question."
"Um, ok. But why do you guys have me here?"
"First of all, you're the only living daughter of Benevolence, and secondly, becasue we've heard that you have Demon skills and magic?"
"Okay..." i say warily.
"Alright, now let's take you to Evain." he gently takes my arm and tells me to walk behind him with my head down and to be quiet and not struggle. He unlocks the door and so of course I have to tap him on the shoulder and aim a punch at his jaw and have him duck in just enough time for my fist to collide with the door when he turns around. The metal door.
"Dammit!" I cuss as I shake the blood off my knuckles. He smirks and opens the door, tugging me out after him.
"You knew I was going to try and punch you!" I accuse him and he just shrugs and grins smugly.
"What, was I supposed to let you hit me? I don't think so, princess."
            Demons are everywhere, laughing, talking, kissing, looking at me. Many glare or look at me curiosuly, but some don't know i'm an Angel id guess. In fact, a demon boy looks me up and down before i narrow my eyes and unfurl my wings just as he brushes past us so as my wings wack him in the face. I have to contain my laughter and glance over at my captor, he's trying so hard to not smile that his eyes actually twinkle. I notice that his eyes like every demons are brown. And angels have either green or blue eyes. And no, we do not have halos or any of that bullshit. Those are all myths. And no God or Devil exist although Benevolence, my mother, is the closest thing we have to god. And Tenebrous is the closest thing the Demons have to a Devil or Satan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2017 ⏰

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