1: Meet Dr Grey

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I open the door to my old beat up jeep cherokee, and get in. I run on the radio and pop in a CD, and Anna Nalick's Breathe comes pouring out of the stereo system that I had installed. My jeep came with only radio and tapes, but tapes are being phased out, so now CD's are being played more often, so I had a cd player installed.

I drive for a while, until I pull up to the hospital where I've been working for the last 7 years. Same routine, rounds with interns and residents, surgery, post-op reports, labs, working in the skill lab with interns teaching them different techniques. Lunch, another surgery, some down time, and maybe a trauma and a pushed surgery. Get out by 10 or 11 at night, drive home, have a glass of wine, cold pizza or pasta, then sleep.

Today, Dr Webber is having an assembly in the lobby, next to the elevators.

"Welcome, interns, residents, attendings, and nurses. I would like to announce the welcome of two new doctors from New York City. Dr Derek Shepard, neuro and Dr Mark Sloan, plastics. Please make them feel welcome and get them situated with the flow of the hospital. Thank you, return to work." Dr Webber says, freezing us and allowing the doctors, correction- the new doctors, to roam free.

"Hi, Dr Shepard, was it?" I say, extending my arm to shake his hand.
"Yes. And you are?" He asks. Man, his hair is perfect... the curls, the part, the massive amounts of hair product... well, except for that, he is a striking specimen.
"Uh- Dr Meredith Grey. Would you like a tour of the surgical wing, since you will be workings under me?" I ask politly, leading him away from the crowd.
"Wait, working under you? When Webber called, he promised me the head of the department." Dr Shepard said slowly.
"Well, he obviously misspoke. I'm the head of neuro, and you will be second in command, and once I evaluate your skills, we may be equals. But for now, you work as an attending, not a department head. You run everything by me, and double check everything, even if you think it's okay. I don't know what your old hospital was like, but here, it's going to be different. Got it?" I said, walking quickly.
"Yes, ma'am." Dr Shepard said, elongation his stride to keep up with me.

Dr Shepard perepective:
Man, she may be tiny but she can walk fast. Like really fast. I had to quicken my pace to keep up with her, and she's in what, 2 or 3 inch heels? Damn... and when she's bossy, an accent slips out. I'm not sure from where, though. But I intend to find out.

"So, Dr Grey, where are you from?" I ask. Immediately, she tensed. And stopped working. Even though I was a whole head talker, she glared at me with such strong hatred, I thought she was going to burn holes through my head.
"I do not talk about personal life at work, Dr Shepard. Ever. If you do, you don't get to talk, got it?" She seethed through her teeth. I nodded, and she whipped around, her hair whipping past my nose, sending the scent of some flower my direction.

She practically runs off, and turns I to a wall, or so I thought. I run after her, and I see she ran into a supply closet. She's sitting on the floor, knees up, arms across them, hiding her face. I see her shoulders moving, and her back. She's crying. Damn it, I never know what to do when women cry.
I bend down, sitting on the floor behind her, and wrap my arms around hers. She lifts her head and pulls herself out of my embrace. She has makeup running down her cheeks, and her eyes are already red from crying.
"Meredith, can I call you Meredith?" I ask, slowly. She nods. "Mer, what's wrong? Tell me. I'm here, for good. You can trust me. I'm not going anywwhere, ever." I look at her. Her eyebrows are raised.
"I promise." I say, assuring her. She then promptly throws her tiny body onto mine, and uses my scrub top as a tissue and pillow. I wrap my arms protectively around her tiny shaking body, and try to comfort her.
I slowly feel her body start to relax and soon I hear soft snores. I look down, and she's asleep in my arms. I slide over to around cardboard box, and fall asleep too.

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