Chapter 3: The Gunshot

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Today was the day. Today was your first mission as a Maria City Police Dept. K-9 dog. How were you feeling? Nervous of coarse. You and Levi returned home after Erwin's announcement, Levi could sense the uneasiness aura from you and gently petted, well tried to, your head, "Hey. It's going to be fine (Y/N). You'll do fine" 'I hope so...', was all you can think off before drifting off to sleep.

The night ended and came morning. You and Levi headed to the station and got ready for the mission.

~At the crime scene~

It wasn't a really pretty scene. People being held hostage in a bank (Classic scene I know =3=) corpses here and there, pure awful. The Law enforcement soon arrived and kept their distance from the building. Officers including Levi got their K-9's ready incase things get a little out of hand. Erwin got out a megaphone and spoke to the criminals, "Maria City Police Dept! Unhand your weapons and release the hostages! We won't hesitate to do with force!" One of the criminals stepped out with a smirk, "How about you lower yours before we start executing if you don't do as we say!" Everything was silent then. No one didn't move for anything, then all of a sudden.....

(*insert gunshot sound*)

Sudden everyone was aiming their weapons and shooting people down except for the hostages. Levi and You took cover then Levi looked at you, "Kay (Y/N), time to show what your make of and take down the leader, Now!" You sprinted into action, successfully dodging the flying bullets from every direction until you reached your target. Once you did, you tackled him down and held him down, "Argh! Get off me you mutt!!". You only growled and bared your teeth which made him shut up. You looked around for Levi, but once you did, your ears went back and tail dropped.

Levi was taking down a goon but what he didn't know was that someone is aiming for his head. You barked and quickly sprinted towards him, hoping you'll make it in time. Levi heard your bark then turned and saw what was about to happened. Then, time slowed down as everything started to became a flash.

(*insert gunshot noise again*)



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