My Winter Wonderland

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I look dreamily at the pictures of my brother Jason playing with our cousins in the snow back home. Home, with its constant snow storms, and frozen lakes perfected to skate on. And I'm stuck here in Egypt, trying to become the amazing archaeologist that I want to be, to follow my dear Aunt Zephyr's footsteps.

I long to play in the snow as I did growing up as a kid. I long to just delve in the feeling of laying in the cool snow, with flakes dotting my freckled face. I long to rejoice during the holidays with my much younger cousins, watching them grow up into amazing people. I long to live my previous life.

Then again, maybe I don't. Maybe I want to live a new life, but in that same area. With the same people.

I haven't talked to them in three years. Especially him.


I wrap myself tighter in the fur coat as I hurry down Central Avenue. Women pushing strollers, and men hollering into cell phones while rushing to get to work on time fill my view. I turn onto Main Street, and I hustle into The Next Cup, a famous coffee shop here.

I instantly find who I'm looking for, his messy head of golden hair visible through brunettes and people with jet black hair. I run to his table, and he smiles at me, handing me a still warm cup of coffee. "E, I have something to--" "No, wait Dy. I need to tell you something super important." He looks at me with kind, welcoming eyes, their bright blue hue seeming to pierce into my skin.

"Dylan, I'm leaving. I'm going to Egypt in two days. To study abroad as an archaeologist." His face contorts with a sudden flash of shock. "No E! You can't just leave me here!" I shake my head, and turn to leave. I thought he'd listen to me. My own boyfriend didn't understand. Can't he see? This is what I'm meant to do.

He tries to catch up to me, but I'm already running down the snow covered streets of Calgary.

Now, two days later, I'm in the plane, waving goodbye to my life. So this is what they mean when your heart breaks into a billion pieces. I feel empty.

*End of Flashback*

I miss him. I miss them all. I miss the snow. I think, that I should call someone.

My hand goes to my phone, nestled in my pocket. Without having to touch it, I feel it vibrate. I pull it out, and nearly drop the phone.

On it, is the name Dylan Cartwright. A picture of a snowy background appears as his contact picture.

I pick it up after three rings.

"Hello?" His voice seems strained, but I still recognize it. I stay silent, and then I get the guts to talk to him, after three years.

"Hey Dylan."


After five hours of talking nonstop to him, I make a crucial decision.

I'm going back.


Two days afterwards, I'm off the plane.

I hail a taxi, and I stop at 631 Alcoa Street, in front of a small blue house, just as I remember it. I knock, and the woman who opens the door for me stands in a moment of shock. "Eira! You're back! Dear! Our baby girl is back!" I hug my mom tightly, when my dad appears. He bursts into tears.


I rejoiced with my family and cousins. I trudge over to Dylan's house. He opens the door before I get to his house.

I run to him, jumping up, and I push him into the snow. I'm finally back.  

My Winter Wonderland ~ Entry for WCONTEST2015.Where stories live. Discover now