ღChapter 4ღ

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~Louis' POV~

I woke up screaming. Woah, that was an odd dream.. Thank God it was only a dream though. I must've been asleep for a while, we're almost at the arena..

"What's wrong Lou?!"

"I'm fine Haz, just a nightmare."

"Do you want to talk about it..? We still have a good few minutes left until we arrive in Mansfield."

"Well..uh..I'd rather not discuss it. Anyways..don't you want to Instagram this or something?" I laughed knowing how much Harry loves Instagraming every venue.

"Oh hey you're right! Mind taking a picture of Comcast Center, love? I have a feeling tonight's going to be amazing and out of the ordinary for some reason.."

I unlocked his phone and opened the Instagram app. "Sure, babe." I snapped a picture of the arena from a slight distance. Caption.. "Bahstonstagram."

He peered over my shoulder after approaching a red light. "Ah, you know me so well Boo." I smirked.

When we reached the arena, our car instantly started to get hoarded by fans..dozens by dozens..



Their screams were penetrating my, and most likely Harry's eardrums. Some girls kept chanting terrible things, mean things. What did we do wrong? Then there were crazed girls who pounded on the doors and windows in a simultaneous manner..Too bad all we could do was smile and wave at the horrific scenery.

Then we finally saw Paul approach our vision. He started moving the girls away, thank the lord we can leave without getting assassinated by crazed fangirls.




All of their remarks and the flash on their iPhones were getting to me.

Harry knew I was getting overwhelmed, and put his arm around me as I snuggled into his chest. I felt safe.

He whispered into my ear, "It's okay babe. We're almost backstage." he quickly kissed my head as we rushed backstage.


A half hour passed since we arrived in our dressing rooms. I ironically shared one with Harry.

~Harry's POV~

I was visibly nervous. I was clutching onto the little paper airplane pendant that hung from my necklace that Louis gave me back when we were in The X Factor. Not to mention, my fingers and legs were trembling. Tonight is important, and no one is to suspect a thing..


I jumped out of my little trance once I heard a familiar soprano voice. Hmm, was I really zoning out for that long?

"Yes BooBear?" I said, as I spun the chair to face him and glanced into his deep blue eyes, fulfilled with concern.

"Are you okay? It looks like you have a lot on your mind.. I'm all ears if you want, babe." Was it that obvious?

"I'm fine! I uh, was just thinking. Don't worry about it, darling." I tried to reassure him with a crooked smile. I really wanted to do that thing now.. no, I have to prove it to the world.

"Okay Haz, I won't." he hugged me and whispered a quick 'I love you' before he trotted off to get his hair done before the show starts.

Lou Teasdale shortly came over with her hair supplies and started tussling my curls. She was chatting up a storm, but I was rudely spacing out, over thinking about possible outcomes of what could come out of tonight, and occasionally nodding.

Tonight is the night I will make the love of my life my fiancé.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2013 ⏰

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