I drove to APOIAN orphanage wilst percy was at home getting the kids rooms ready, boys room will be painted blue and the girls room pink. ) FIVE HOURS LATER ) I finally got into the parking lot and was in the waiting room, ( HALF HOUR LATER )
Four kids shyly walked up to me with little suitcases each with thre name on them, I finally got all the kids in the car and began the drive home, the traffic was worker than coming so I meeded to go the long way ( SEVEN HOURS LATER ) we finally got home after a long care rrider he rooms dried and the beds were in the rooms, girls room had pink walls and a bunch bed pushed to the far left wall, three bookshelves on the far right wall, one in the middle one on the left other in the right, in the gaps were clean wight desks, the pinky blue carpet was clean and nothing was in the ways of the two windows on the far back wall. the boys room was the same, but more blue. the kids unpacked wilst me and percy made dinner.

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