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Before she hears the sounds she sees the life. Thousands of white and yellow lights dance through the sky illuminating the dark world. Mykola watches this from the window of the hospital unsure of what it is she sees. Are they fire works in courtesy of having won the war? Have they finally won the war after fifty long years? Then she hears the screams. Screams of the bombs and people alike. The sound is so ear wretching that as soon as she hears it she drops to the floor in fear. It's then that she realizes what this is. They're under attack.

She races to where she knows her mom is. Mykola stands over the bed and looks down at her weak mother.

"We have to go," She whispers to her mom as she wraps her arms around her waist and attempts to drag her out of bed only to be stopped by her mother's frantic wails of disapproval. Mykola knows the state of her mother's illness and knows that she shouldn't be out of bed and away from the machines keeping her alive but this doesn't stop her. She needs to save her mom. She's the only family she had left.

Her efforts go unnoticed, though, as a bright light coming from all sides blinds her. She finds herself falling due to an unknown force. Adrenaline, having replaced all blood in her body, brings a new found energy to her and she once again rushes to her mother's side, this time pulling her from off the floor where she had fallen. Dragging her sickened mother behind her, Mykola attempts to make her way to the bomb shelter that she knows everything building is equipped with.

Before she can make it to the door, another light shines through the many windows and the ground shakes with rage, once more causing Mykola to fall. She cross helplessly across the ground searching for the comforting touch of her mother in the dark. The sound of various things envelope her and the smell of stone dust threatens to fill her lungs. The building's coming down. Despite her fear of debris falling on top of her she keeps moving.

She feels her hand cone in contact with the warm touch of her mothers. Even in her weak state her mother finds the strength to pull her daughter close and hold her tight. Mykola buries her face in her mother's shoulder suddenly aware of the tears streaking her cheeks.

"Shhh," her mother's broken voice coos. She strokes Mykola's brown, almost black, braided hair. Mykola slows her breathing at the sound of her mother's voice which she hasn't heard in ages. For the first time in years she let's her guard down for just one second and ignores the constant screams of the bombs and the cries of those dying.

As she curls up in her mother's arms she begins to find black dots dancing across her vision. She watches them leap and swirl but can't help but wonder where they've come from. As the spots begin to move faster she feels as if she's spinning along with them. Actually, she's quite sure that she is as the whole room begins to circle around her. She touches her hand to the top of her head in an attempt to sooth the sudden migraine that had come over her. When she takes her hand away she finds that it's covered in a warm, dark liquid unidentifiable due to the dim light as well as the spots growing larger by the second.

It sounds as if Mykola's mother's saying something in her groaning attempt at english but it just seems so distant. She brushes it off as a figure of her imagination and instead focuses all her energy on keeping her head a lift. When it becomes too much she slowly lowers onto her mother's chest. Her eyes begin to become too heavy for her to keep open so she eventually quits fighting it as well and allows the comforting feeling of sleep captivate her as the screams of bombs and death fade away. Soon the only thing she can hear is the cries of her mother as she drifts into a deep, unawaking sleep.

Hey guys!!! Thank you so much for reading this! If you enjoyed please vote, comment, and share. I'm not sure when chapter 1 will be up. The point of the prologue is as a sort of trailer to reel in readers for the actual book. Again, thanks for reading.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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