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The first sight of her.

My name is Mitch Mathias I'm five feet six inches tall with dirty blond hair. I am fourteen years old. I just arrived at the main airport in Florida. When I got into the building I saw my luggage and a person waiting for me. The person ended up being a girl. She looked friendly enough to me. She has curly red hair and bright blue eyes.

She said, “You must be Mitch! Hi. I'm Selina and welcome to Florida.”

I answered, “Thanks. How do you know my name?”

Selina answered, “I'm your dorm room manager. It's my job to know everybody in your room by name and face.” So she helped with my luggage and we loaded it up in the trunk of a van. I got into the backseat as Selina shut the trunk. She shut my door and got into the front seat with the driver. She shut the door and buckled up as I did. Selina turned to face me as best as she could.

She asked, “So what do you like? Any special needs? Any dietary needs or concerns?”

I answered, “I like sports. What kind of food do you have? I don't have any allergens to food.”

Selina said, “The cooks make something new daily. They know what to feed each person. They know all the students by face and name.”

The driver said, “Don't spoil everything Nightshade. He'll learn soon enough. Or he'll die like the last one.”

Selina answered, “Now you've meet Jack the driver. He doesn't like newbie's. Kind of morbid person really. You'll do fine really. But don't get into trouble with the grownups on campus. Strict about rules and everything.” So I took notes while we took the trip to campus. I was surprised at how she didn't mention the Nightshade thing.

I asked, “What's with the....??”

Selina answered, “It's my real name. I was given it by my biological parents. They're dead now. So the Timberlakes adopted me into their family and I'm the leader of the pack.”

So we went on with the rules of the campus. We just finished by the time we reached the school. Selina unbuckled and got out. She opened my door and started getting luggage. I closed the door after I got unbuckled and get out. Selina handed me whatever I could carry. Then she got the rest and we started to my dorm room. The driver shut the trunk and went off to his parking spot. Once we got to my room Selina unlocked the door. She got in and I followed.

Selina yelled, “Hey Justin! Which bed is Mitch's again? This one by door right?”

Justin answered, “Yeah! Hope he breaks the rules. The last one tasted terrible.”

Selina answered with a gasp, “No! He doesn't look like a rule breaker and we'll talk about that later. Not in front of Mitch! Let's give you a tour then get some lunch.” So we put my luggage on my bed then left the room. Selina locked the door and started talking about the teachers. I listened intently but what Justin said stuck in my mind. Selina noticed it and soothed my fears.

She said, “You'll do fine. He should have never said that. The rules are clear for him. Don't worry about him. He's in for it now. The elders aren't going to be happy about this.” So we went around meeting teachers. During lunch I sat alone. Selina came and sat across the table from me. She asked me questions and took notes. Then the bell rang and Selina dumped my plates. I followed her to our room. After she unlocked the door all of my roommates greeted me. I could see Justin sitting on a bed glaring at me. I asked Selina to talk to her in private. Once we were alone I asked her what Justin's problem was.

Selina answered, “I talked to the elders about him. They weren't to happy with him. So they punished him.” It didn't satisfy me but I let it go. We got back into the room and I did some paperwork.

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⏰ Huling update: Jul 03, 2013 ⏰

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