Kyle + Me

638 15 1

"Kyullllll," I yelled.

"I'm right here." He rolled his eyes at me.

"I have to confess something," I looked at him straight in the eyes. I've been thinking about this moment ever since we met. He raised his eyebrows waiting for me say something.

"I-," I don't know if I can do this.

"Come on, just tell me," he grabbed my arms.

"I think I-," I couldn't spit it out.

"Just tell me," his grip tightened.

"I hate you."

"I have a confession too," he looked at me.

"What," I waited for an answer.

He pulled down his skinny jeans and waddled away in his boxers.

Bryan broke the silence, "What the fuck."

A.N. - So if you want a imagine then go to the description & comment those things if you want one. I swear they will be better and longer than this one, I just wanted to do this bc why not.

Byee -mcr_escape a.k.a. Maddie

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