sammitheseal - Ninjas and Thieves: Dimensional Disaster

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- Title: Ninjas and Thieves

- Author: sammitheseal

- Genre: Adventure

- Rating: G ( All ages )

- Description: "Some people are just worth dying for..."

Allies are made, enemies are created, it just seems like the typical lives of the teenage mutant ninja turtles. The two feuding clans battle almost every night, and sometimes the aliens from other dimensions are involved as well.

Evil plans are enforced, some are prevented, and a whole new layer of hatred covers the mutants' hearts. But that's all going to change when mutagen is spilled, and the last possible option to survive is to call a truce.

Put both the Foot Clan and the Kraang aside, because a mysterious force called ghostmite has settled in New York, and the only ones that can stop it are the mutants. It all comes down to two ordinary mutants, who may be able to bring both sides together.

Shadow; a snake mutant who has a kind heart for almost everyone, and Kat; with a soul of fire, but a melted heart, and a twisted mind that can hardly determine what's right and wrong.

Will they make it out alive, or will they perish at the mighty hand of the ghostmite?

- Link:


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