Let the good times roll

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"Keelie! Get up its the last day of

school!" I groan and direct my blurry

vision to my alarm clock. 8:10. Oh

crap I'm ten miutes late! I slip on

some shorts and an AC/DC t-shirt and

run a brush through my short, dirty

blond hair. I grab my phone off the

charger with my back pack and race

down stairs. My mom is holding my

new baby brother, Noah, I give him a

little wave, and inhale my breakfast

burrito. "Did you feed your food to

the dog again?" My mom asks. "Raptor
doesn't even like burritos,

remember?" My rotwieler, Raptor, is a
very picky eater. I check my phone.

8:39. "Holy crap!" I say, and rush out

the door to see the bus pull away. "No!
No wait!" I yell, running after the bus.

But it never stops. "I guess your with

me now," I turn around to see Stevie,

a short, black haired kid who I'm

really good friends with. "I guess I am,

" I yell back. And so I start walking

with him. "Last day of school!" He

yells jumping up in the air. I giggle.

"Yeah, I can't wait for this summer,

we can do so much," I say. "Yup.

Going to the pool, bowling, riding our

bikes to the 711," he says. "And guess

what?! My parents are gonna expand

on the tree house!" He says with

gleam. We've been playing in that tree
house since the day we'd first met.

Which was like preschool. "No way!

What are they doing to it?" I ask with

excitement. "Adding a rope and

getting a new slide," he says.

"Remember that time, when my dog

chased you up the slide, but you were

wearing roller skates so you couldn't

get up?" I ask with a laugh. "That was

so terrifying," he shivers. I laugh.

Stevie and I have been the best

friends of the block for as long as I can
remember. Infact, our moms were

friends before us. Before we knew it, a
large, flat, brick building came into

sight. I put the code into my dented

locker, put my bag in, grabbed my

stuff, and left for first block.
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