What We Are

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The Still Human Project, created by Cascade, is created to promote stories with human characters. Now, I don't mean human as in the human race, but human as to mean imperfect, realistic, and flawed. Even with our flaws and problems, we are still human.

So, to qualify, here's what your story must include:

This can be racial, culteral, sexual, or any form of diversity. Basically, don't have all of your characters be cis, white, straight Christians. But make sure you are accurate quth your different people! Do some research and find what your character's characteristics mean. Don't slap on the title, make it part of their being.

Don't have stoic characters! Have your characters grow and develop as the plot progresses. Your characters may become better people, or maybe they go evil. Development just means that your characters are not the same characters they were when you began writing.

You are not flawless
The entire point of this campaign is to have literature with inperfect characters. Don't just have one comic-relief character that has flaws, have all of them have strengths and weaknesses. Make your main character have anxiety. Make the love interest have a disability. Make the bad guy cripplingly insecure. Have characters who don't have an obvious skill set. No one is perfect--why lead people to believe that they should be?

Include disabilities
Mental and physical disabilities are all around us, and yet we hardly ever read books where ine of the main characters have glasses. Fight it! Include a badass in a wheelchair. Have a sass masta from manchesta with OCD. After a traumatic event, have your character develop PTSD. Make one of your characters have a learning disability. Humans have physical flaws, not just mental ones.

But that's about it! If you have any questions, you can leave a comment or PM me, and I'll respond ASAP.

To include your story in this, just tag your story with #StillHumanProject and I will add it to my reading lists. The stories can be any length and of any genre. They do not have to be completed.

I also have another campaign with my girlfriend, danikadestini, called MeantForConsent, so if you could check that one out as well, that would be incredible.

Thank you so much for reading this, and I hope to read your story soon.

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