Chapter 5

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"You saved my son?" says a fairly well dressed man who resembles link in all ways except time.

"Dad what are you doing here?" asked link

"I came to check on my son is that a problem?"

"No I guess not." mumbles link resting back on the bed

"So your the one who saved my son twice in two days." says links father

"Just observation that's all, please don't tell anyone, I'm fine with staying hidden"

"Of course"

I was making my way towards the door when I was stopped by link "where are you going?"

"Going home and having a warm shower, get some sleep link you've had a rough couple of days." I say shyly before sliding my glasses up my nose and straightening out my clothes before walking out the door.

Opening the front door I made my way into my house only to be crash tackled into a hug by a strange feeling making me grit my teeth in pain.
"storm honey look at you your all grown up." says the woman who abandoned me so long ago.

"Gemma what are you doing here?" I say to the face of the woman who gave birth to me.

"Storm really call me mom" says Gemma frowning

"You would get that name if you hadn't left your kids and husband." I say gritting my teeth holding back the pain and anger she caused me and no I'm not just talking about the shoulder.

"Storm.." says Gemma before I cut her off "no why are you here you haven't been here for me or Alec or lyric since I was 10 why did you come back now, now that lyrics dead, have you run out of money to spend Gemma I don't want you here just go and take all the hurt you caused us with you!" I yell at Gemma before running up to my room and locking the door leaving Gemma in shock.

Turning on the shower I feel the warm liquid cascade down my back with a slight pain of burning from the burn on my shoulder, sitting down in the bathtub below I hug my arms around my knees allowing the water to collect around me and the water from the shower head to warm me.

Stepping out of the shower I wrapped a towel around me walking back into my room and to my surprise there on my bed lay my older brother Alec
"Your home oh my god Alec." I say hugging my brother to death.

He may be one year older then me but we treat each other like where twins.
Laughing Alec hugged me back before saying "yeah I'm home.... storm?" questioned Alec "what?" I say confused

"What happened to your shoulder?" says Alec turning me so that my back was facing him. "it's nothing there was a fire at school and I was using the bathrooms a mirror fell on me when the building started to come down... boy it was hot."

"Are you ok?" asked Alec turning to face the wall as I changed into my pajamas.

"Yeah it hurts but I'm fine."

"Ok I hope so was there anyone else hurt?"

"Yeah a couple but I had to go back to hospital today because one of my friends collapsed" friends wow that sounded weird me and link friends ha right....

"Well you know I'm here if you need me." Says Alec sympathetically.

"Yeah anyway what brings you home?" I say.

"Well dad said it was important I wasn't expecting she devil to be here." says Alex getting angry at the thought.

"I know, why is she even here?"

"I have no clue but I don't want to know."

"KIDS COME DOWN HERE!" yelled dad from down stairs.

Walking down stairs I was confronted by links dad and a man in a grey suit.

"Mr Davidson what can I do for you?"

"I wanted to thank you by inviting you and your family to dinner." says mr Davidson

Looking towards Gemma I saw she was looking towards the man in the grey suit I didn't think anything of it except my mothers flirty ways.

"What did my daughter do?"

"My friend his son collapsed at school today and I called the ambulance that's where I was all afternoon."

"Oh storm sweet heart I'm so proud of you" my dad says hugging me.

"Me too storm." says mum wrapping her arms around her shoulders making me grit my teeth in pain.

"Gemma your hurting her." says Alec removing Gemma's arm from my shoulder.

"How im only hugging her" pulling up the sleeve over my shoulder I show the large burn covering my shoulder.

"The building fell on me when I was using the bathroom two days ago when a fire was started at my schools football fields." I say to everybody eyeing mr Davidson.

"I'm sorry honey here let me patch it up" says Gemma but before she could come near me I move and say.. "I already went to the hospital"

"Sorry but I must go take my son home he's in the car will I see you at dinner ms rivers?"

"It would be a pleasure mr Davidson."

"Next Saturday 7 o'clock ill send my driver, thank you again ms rivers my son wouldn't of been alive right now if you hadn't found him."

"Can I speak to storm quickly dad?" says link from the door.

"Yes quickly."

At this point I had forgotten to put my glasses back on and my hair was down showing my actual self.

Walking upstairs I closed the door behind link as he slowly walked towards my bed taking in the appearance of my room "storm you don't have go to dinner if you don't want to, I get it you don't like me."

"Link I'm coming ok you don't have to worry that I hate you" I say a smile edging onto my lips.

"Ok good I was worried there, hey can I ask you something?"

Before I could answer there was a knock on the door walking to the door I found my brother standing there.
"Dad told me to tell you that mr Davidson had to go to work someone broke in and that that link will be spending the night."

"Thanks for telling me."

"What are big brothers for"

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