Linzi's Diary 10- The Missing Diary

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 Linzi's Diary 10

The Missing Diary

Rummaging through the box Pippin finds a book. She takes it downstairs and placed it on the coffee table. "Hey dad, look what I found in that box." "Why were you in there?" "I was curious." Brian sat forward and picked it up, he opened the first page and smiled. "What's in it?" "It's one of your moms Diaries, she used to write these all the time." "What are they about?" "Well they're about all of us, she used to write about the things we all used to get up to. I don't think I've seen this one before." "Can you read it to me?" "I can if you want me too?" "Yes please." Pippin sits down on the sofa and gets comfortable, Brian sits back in his chair and begins to read:

Date: 23/9/2005 Place: home Time: 8:45am Music: car stereo

"I'm really scared." Brian holds her hand. "Don't be, there's nothing to be scared about?" "My babies are about to start a new school over here, and they're not like the other kids." "They're triplets not aliens, Jen will keep an eye on them won't you honey?" "Yep daddy." "See, so don't panic, it's not good on the baby. So I'll drop you guys off at the school then I'll get to rehearsals, are you okay walking home?" "I'll be fine, if I have to I'll catch a bus. Don't worry about me, I've done this many a time." Brian parks the car. "Well here we are... you guys have a good time. Love you all very much." "Love you daddy." "Love you munchkin." "Say bye to daddy boys." "Bye daddy." said Tom leaning over for a kiss." "Ooh, kisses from my Tommy, see ya later." "Bye daddy." "Love ya Scotty." "See ya later daddy." "See you later James." they all climb out of the car.

Brian kisses Linzi. "Don't worry, they'll be fine. I love you." "I love you too." She climbs out of the car. "Come on then, let's get you into school." they walk through the gates and into the playground and Brian drives off. "Okay." "Hi, are you new here?" asked a mum. "Yeah, we've not long moved over here." "Your kids are so cute; you have triplets?" "Yeah, they're pretty special." "I bet and they're identical, that must be difficult?" "Not really, they're easy to tell who's who." "I haven't even introduced myself, my names Ellen Crosby." "Linzi Littrell and these are Jenni-Kay, Tomas, James and Scott." "I have a son, he's called Harrison. He'll be in your boys' year." "I've been so nervous about them starting today, it's a big thing for them." "I'm sure they'll be fine once they get settled in and it looks like you could do with a break, how far along are you?" "Six months, I'm glad it's just the one this time." "You must have a very supportive husband." "I do, when he's at home. He calls every night when he's away, he's a great dad." "There you are; Brian must have dropped you off early." said Jenny. "I see you've met Ellen." "I was just saying that her kids are so cute, you don't see triplets often. You two know each other?" "Yeah, we've known each other for years. We had a house together in England, we both decided to move over here with our husbands." "Now you can relax, she's been really nervous." "You know Tom and James will be fine, they have your phone number if anything goes wrong... James has epilepsy and Tom has a prosthetic arm." "I just don't want kids to be horrible to him about it." "Aww bless, this is a really good school, you don't need to worry." "This is the first time they've been out of my sight for a long time." "They will be okay; I don't want to keep repeating myself. Come on let's get them into class, then you're coming with me to my house for a cup of tea." "Okay." they take the kids into their classes before walking back to Jenny's house.

They walk into the living room. "My feet really hurt." "Well, you're three months ahead of me. I am not looking forward to going through that bit again." "Brian best run me a nice hot bath when he gets home." "I'm sure he will, and he'd have candles and rose petals everywhere." "Now that'll be nice... does AJ do that for you then?" "You are kidding, I keep hinting." "I hope these next three months' fly by, I can't wait to meet this baby." "I thought you were going to find out what you were having?" "I was going to, but then we decided that we wanted to have a surprise." "That's exciting, I wish I didn't find out about these two now." "I'm sure you're still happy with having another set of twin boys, at least Christian will have lots of brothers to protect her." "I guess that's true... shall I get us something to drink?" "Yes, I think that sounds like a good idea." they walk into the kitchen. Linzi checks her phone. "Stop it, the boys are fine and Jen doesn't exactly find it hard to make friends." "I can't help it; you know what kids can be like. I don't want Tom being picked on because he's different." "He's five and I'm sure he will be fine, when has he ever let his disability get in his way? You need to relax, all of this stress is just no good for that baby." "The fellas don't have any of this worry, they just carry on as normal." "They have a distraction, here, drink your tea and I'll grab us some biscuits." Jenny walks over to the cupboards.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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