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My family means the world to me Ace and our baby's that's all I'm ever gonna need . Our wedding is comeing up so soon and I still need to pick out my dress and everything, I wish I could call my mum but I don't want to go threw any crazy stuff again ! Not again!!!!

"Ace!" I ask as I'm walking into our bed room. "Do you think Jess would go dress shopping with me" I ask as I sit next to him on the bed.

"I'm sure she will " he said as kissed my head and pulled out his phone "let's call her" he said as he pulled up her number and hint send.

"Hello" Jess sang in the phone.

"Hey baby sis what are you up too" He asked.

" just watching a film" she said.

"So Jess " I asked

"Yes !" She said.

"Would you like to go with me to pick out my wedding dress." I asked smiling

" heckkkk yesssss" she yelled and it made me smile and Ace kissed my head!

"Thank you! I don't think I could have did it alone this is a big choice."I said.

"No need to thank me sis I love to go shopping and to top it all off its for your wedding" jess said kinda screaming of excitement.

"You can just text me a time when you're free and we can work around School we have to remember the wedding is coming up fast" I said giggling at the last part.

"Sounds great, well I'm going to hop of here , can't wait to see all you guys" jess said.

"Bye "me and Ace  said at the same time.

"Love you guys!" Jess said before we hung up the phone

"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you " I say as I kiss Ace softly on the lips.

"I can't wait baby" He moaned as he Tried to deepen the kiss.

The kiss got heated and one thing lead to another and yeaaaaaaaa.......

"Mummyyyyy" the baby's started to cry as Ace was thrusting into me and it made him get up set that he had to stop.

" I'm sorry baby" I say I kissed him on this head and jumped out of the bed and stole His shirt and walked into the baby's room!

"Mum" James said as he held his arms out for me.

"Hi baby" I say as I take him in my arm and walk to couch and sat down and held James up on my knees.

And stared singing ......

You will always be, mommy's little baby

Oh you will always be, mommy's little baby

I've waited all my life, all my life to see ya

I've been dreamin', dreamin' about you
I wondered what you would be like,
you would be like

Now I'm speechless, can't believe it...
I've been dreamin' about you.

And James started to giggle I thought I made him do that but no I felt this Daddy kiss my neck then James's head and I knew he was looking at Ace .

"Babe I love you and our baby's" I say as I kiss James head.

Sorry this is not a good chapter !!! The song is by Kelly Rolan!

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