Caffeine and Jakey

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Author's Note

You all know that I have been editing this story and unfortunately part of this chapter got deleted which sucks because I really liked the original :/    Oh well..... 

Thanks for 80 reads! :)

*song on the side

-Kaaaay xx


****4 YEARS LATER****

"We finally did it!!!!!!!!!! We are done with college and living in our dream city!!",Kaylee shouted.

''Yeah but we aren't done with unpacking yet", I reminded my best friend.

"Sheesh someone is a ray of sunshine"

"We'll I haven't had my caffeine yet!"

"Starbucks?", asked Kaylee

''YES!!!!!!! let me just get dressed!"

I started to go upstairs when I heard a very familiar song. It was What Makes You Beautiful. I automatically knew it was Kaylee's  phone.

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else.." KAYLEE!!!! I screamed, "GO AWNSER YOUR DARN PHONE!!".

"But it's upstairs!!!"

I walked back downstairs and sent her a death glare. Immediately, she ran upstairs to get her cell. 

 "It's jakey!!!!" she screamed.

I swear sometimes her and her boyfriend got on my nerves! As she went to her room to talk to her bf I started getting ready. We were barley waking up at almost the afternoon because we had a Zac Efron movie night ,which probably wasn't the best idea since we had to get up early to finish unpacking all of our boxes.

After about half an hour of Kaylee and Jake on the phone I had enough. I seriously needed caffeine if we were going to finish unpacking. I went in Kaylee's room, getting ready to take away  phone  from her just as she was saying, "Aw I love you too! Bye!".

"Finally! I thought I was going to have to take your phone away!"

"We weren't on the phone that long..."

''Yes you where!, now go get ready"


As soon as she left to go change I went downstairs to go use my laptop. The first thing I did was log into my Twitter account, which was pretty much a Zac Efron fan page. I checked to see if Zac had tweeted anything new. He just tweeted something about one of his new movies, which I was really excited about.

''Nichole, stop stalking Zac and let's go!"

I grabbed my car keys and went outside unlocking my red convertible. Of course I was driving, because Kaylee wasn;t the best driver. ( I honestly still don't know how she passed her driver's test) As soon as we got in the car Kaylee turned on the and radio Come and Get It by Selena Gomez started blasting through the speakers.

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