chapter 2

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sikowitz: ok! today were gona learn about coconut- i mean acting. coconut gives me visions
robbie: wat about ackting?
sikowitz: yu guys gona act as a cople who tink thei are in lov but cant

ok i pick tori and beck jade and andre cat and robbie and robbie dont bring rex

robbie: ok

sikowitz: first beck and tori .

tori (natasha) : luke (beck) ples don go!
beck (luke): i cant i have to nat! i have to serve the army
tori (natahsa): pleas! because... because I LOVE U LUKE! *crying even harder*
beck (luke): *crying too* i love u too nat! but we cant.
beck leans in and ksses tori
ring ring ring ring ring
sikowitz: class dismisd. what an amusing scene, elvis and toro.
beck and tori: we have names u kno!
sikoeitz: yeh whatevr. just go to the asphalt ..
cat: hey wanna try de new spaghetti taco . i heard festus hired a guy named spenser who invented the spageti taoc.
tori: whats a spaghetti taco
cat: its a spaghetti in a taco! spagetti taco! *giggles*
tori: *rolls her eyes* fine
cat: yayy!! *walks away*
beck: *Covers troi eyes" who am i
tori::  um a by with flufffy hair, wearing a nirvana shirt with denim jeans and a black jacket.
beck:wow ur gud
tori: aww thx
beck: wanna go to a double date with cat and robbie tommorow at inside out burger
tori: ok! but i hav to be hom by 10.00 cat is gona have a sleepover at mai houes.i luv inside out
beck: yeah cat and his friend sampickle... or something can get burgers there fr free cuz dei saved the manager
tori: *laughs* pickle.. wait wat about jade. she'll rip me apart

tori said as hr smil turn into a fron

beck: its ok im ur best friend ill save u if jade tries anything
tori: really thanks!!!!
beck: no prob probs ! !

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