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"Wait, where the fuck are we going again?" Carson asked, he was unused to the multiple hills they were driving up. They lived in a flatter part of Australia and all of a sudden being on an island that was mainly hills was really getting to him.

"Toro Verde, have you not been listening Carson? We're going zip-lining and I'm so fucking ecstatic," Ivy answered, knowing if any of of the other kids responded, he wouldn't listen.

"Did I mention your ass looks good in those leggings?" Carson asked, almost completely ignoring what Ivy had said to stop thinking of his nerves of zip-lining. He had remembered reading a few things on it a few weeks prior and he knew how fucking high up the apparatuses were.

"You tell me that almost every day no matter what I'm wearing so yes, yes I did," Ivy said, her voice coming out in a teasing manor and Carson couldn't help but chuckle.

"Geez, I love you," Carson muttered, not helping the smile form on his face.


"Oh fuck, I'm not ready," Carson screamed. They were on their second to last zip line and he was strapped in with Ivy. Ivy was practically sitting in his lap as they were dangling in the air on the platform.

Carson felt really fucking lucky and was thanking the gods above for giving him this opportunity.

"Okay, now wrap your arms around her and she will do the steering. Again, if you start to turn, turn the metal clip in the same direction that you're turning. It should straighten you out. Hold each other closely and don't do anything drastic. Have fun and we'll see you at Superman in five short minutes," the worker said, pulling back on the pair. Carson liked the thick Hispanic accent of the man and thought it was amazing that he knew more about two languages than he ever could. They were paired up for the final zip line since it was the longest- a mile -and if you didn't reach a certain weight, you wouldn't make it to the other side.

Carson followed the instructions, holding Ivy close and leaning back so that they were both in a sitting position, Ivy on top of Carson. They were almost the last of their group to go; Stevie and Charlie being the last two after them.

It had been really fun so far and Carson was so glad to be experiencing the views of the mountains. 

The worker pulled back so that they were the farthest back on the rope before running forward and letting go of the couple so they were speeding down the line. Carson was a bit tense at first but soon he relaxed, enjoying the view of the bright oranges and pinks on the forest canopy underneath him and the sounds of the birds hidden in the trees. Puerto Rico was so beautiful to Carson and he was so glad he was experiencing this.

Carson pulled the girl closer to him, loving having her close to him. He rested his chin on the crook of her neck as they sped past all the beautiful features of Puerto Rico. They reached the end of the line and were being helped down by a different worker. They met up with the rest of their group and went to talk to Jett and Emma. They had gone together while Bella and Mack had gone together. 

"That was so fucking great. I can't wait to go on Superman where we'll actually be lying down- oh my god, I might throw up," Jett rambled, trying to not over think but that ended up in him thinking more.

"Just try not to hit a bird with your puke," Mack muttered, which ended in him getting punched in the shoulder by his best friend.

"Mother fucker," Mack cursed, getting a scolding from his dad to not curse. Luke really didn't mind, saying the shirt he was wearing said 'Stupid Dumbshit Goddam Motherfucker' but he didn't want his son to be calling his best friend that; even though he called Michael that all the time.

Connected (Internet Friends Sequel) || Michael Clifford ✓Where stories live. Discover now