Chapter 5: Interrogation

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His kisses melted on my skin as they traced up onto my neck. I titled my head to the side, resembling I enjoyed what he was doing to me.

He paused "I'm Dominic." His smooth voice announced.
He turned me around so I was facing him. "And you are?"
He questioned before pecking at my neck once more.

"I-I'm... uh." Words could barely leave my mouth as his sensation was distracting me. He stopped and sent me a curious look.
"Oh, I'm Melody." I spoke.
It resembled one of my heavenly talents.
I loved music.
I played the harp often up in heaven.

He smiled showing his straight white teeth. "That's such a beautiful name. Melody." I shivered at how nicely my name rolled off his tounge before he began kissing me harder. He lifted me up onto the bench as he made his way comfortably between my legs before I wrapped them around him.

"Tell me what you enjoy." He whispered slowly in my ear before he moved his lips onto my neck.
I haven't really had anytime to find any interests due to a bad start down here on earth but this is going so smoothly, I almost can't believe this is happening. He lowered his soft lips onto my collarbone.

"Well... I guess... I like music alot."

"Oh well that makes sense. What else?" He said in between kisses.
I couldn't think straight. My mind was on him and him alone. The word "you." Slipped my mouth and he chuckled.

My long messy hair reached the bench as I arched my back and leaned my head back, once again, side effects of his touch. He had placed his hands on my back just above my hips and pulled me closer him.
I pulled myself up so my head was now nuzzled into his neck.

"Why did you try to rob my house?"
He finally asked. My eyes widened, I was wondering when this topic would come up. I just never imagined now. He continued to mark me with his lips as I answered him.

"I-.. I was so hungry... and so alone. No one would help me. I had no other choice..." my cries for sympathy caught him.

"Well there's food over there. I'm here with you now. Am I helping you? Do you want to leave?"
Why would I want to leave?
Then it hit me. I quickly jurked myself away from him and jumped off the bench facing him with my eyebrows arched and a frown on my face.

"What's the matter? Do you want to leave?" His green eyes looked confused.

"No I just... why are you doing all this? I'm a stranger! I don't know you! You don't know me! I tried to rob you! And yet you feed me and comfort me? What's wrong with you? Why are you doing this?"
Frustration builds up and shows on my face with a little confusion.

He looked down at the ground, and thought for a minute while I waited.
"You want an explanation?" He asked.

"Yes I want a fucking explanation!" I yelled back at him.

He turned around and kept his eyes to the floor.

"Are you going to tell me or wha-"
"Just take a look already!"
He interrupted. There was pain in his voice but where did he want me to look? His back?
I took a couple steps closer to him and inspected his olive skinned back.
He was very nicely built but as I searched I came across something strange... something familiar... is that scar tissue?

Then I saw it. Two thin scars on his back that stretched down in between his shoulder blades. My eyes widened in disbelief.
"But... I don't remember you...why don't I recognise you?"
He turned around with tears about to erupt.
"It's because I'm not from there. I'm from...."
He couldn't finish the sentence so I finished it for him.



Thank you so much for reading! I really enjoyed this chapter so comment what you think of it and any other suggestions. Thank you for all the votes keep bringing them in!
Don't forget to follow me and I'll follow back!

~ MusicMaker223 xoxo

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