Chapter 1

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Amber Rose - Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark, Game Of Thrones)
Jack Edwards - Nicholas Hoult (Beast, X-men prequels)
Jake Edwards - Jamie Campbell Bower (Jace Wayland, The Mortal Instruments)
Jill Snow - Lily Collins (Clary Fray, The Mortal Instruments)
Count Sebastian - Tom Hiddleston (Loki, The Avngers/Thor)
Viktor - Parker Croft (Felix, Once Upon A Time)
Albert - Jack Gleeson (Joffrey Baratheon, Game Of Thrones)


Her breaths grew shorter and shorter as she ran through the trees. She had been running for a while, but could still hear the footsteps crunching in the snow, though they may be quite a distance behind her. It was then that she realised that running away would be no use, she had to hide somewhere. Spotting a large tree trunk ahead of her, she swiftly ran behind it, quieting her slightly rapid breathing. The crux hung of the snow came to a stop.

"Where'd she go?" A masculine voice came from about ten metres away, she estimated. Luckily, she wouldn't be easily tracked to her position, as she was so light on her feet, she hardly left any footprints.

"I don't know?" This time the voice belonged to a female, "but I'm more worried about him, he's just disappeared. You never know when he could just pop up."

As they continued to talk, the girl slowly bent down and scooped up a bunch of snow, forming it into a spherical shape.

"Which is why we should've taken him out first, then it would be easier for us."

She then made her strike. But not even a second after she had stepped from behind the trunk and aimed, she felt the cold punch of a snowball hit her shoulder. Looking to see her assailants, she spotted a late teenage girl with dark wavy hair, arm outstretched as though she had just thrown something, a snowball to be precise. The golden haired boy, around the same age stood slightly behind, arms crossed and a smug smirk drawn across his face.

"What'd I tell you Jill, absolutely predictable." The boy spoke, his smug grin reaching through his voice as well.

The red haired girl looked at them incredulously. He said that they would get her easily, but she didn't expect it to be this easy. She had to admit though, Jill was a good shot.

"How did you even know I was there?" She asked the two of them.

"Like Jake said, absolutely predictable. You just always make it too easy Amber." Jill spoke up in a light, victorious tone.

But seeing as they were distracted with their victory, only Amber saw the shadow slipping in and out of the trees behind them. She gave the two of them a smile before replying, "Alright you got me, I admit defeat. Take me as your prisoner if that's the rule of the game or whatever. Or am I dead now that you hit me? It was quite a fatal shot."

The other two looked at her in confusion, before Jake spoke up, "I don't like her tone Jill, where is she going with this?"

A look of sudden realisation came over Jills face, "oh no. She's distracting us."

But it was too late, a snowball whizzed out of the trees behind the two of them, and impacted with Jill square in the back.

"Though the shoulder may have been fatal, that shot was just deadly." A playful voice rung out of the trees.

"Jack! I'll get you for this." Jill called into the trees.

Another snowball was thrown, this time in Jakes direction. But he managed to dodge out of the way just in time, and the tall boys with light brown hair came out of the trees, a snowball in each hand.

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