Chapter 2

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Noelle's P.O.V

It was Christmas Eve! The absolutely positively double super duper whammy best best best day of the entire year!

I woke up bright and early this morning so I can be sure to make my flight home. You see, my friend Madison and I had been saving up to go to Disneyland (during Christmas time, specifically) for what seemed like forever. We had finally accumulated enough to pay for at least half of the entire trip, including plane rides and right down to the perfect pair of Mickey ears. The day after we saved up enough for half of the trip, Madison's parents told her that they were willing to pay the other half for us! We were so excited we could hardly wait! Unfortunately, they set up the trip to be over Christmas break, and over Christmas. Now, if you know me at all, you know very well I CANNOT miss Christmas. So, we made a compromise with my perfectly understanding and not-at-all-mad-about-this-whole-situation parents. I could go with them as soon as school got out for winter break, but I had to fly home on Christmas Eve. Which, personally, I was totally fine with. That means we would get to spend 6 full days in the happiest place on earth! Plus, Madison and her family were going to leave the day after Christmas anyway, so it's not like I'm going to miss everything.

I zipped up my red suitcase and set it next to my reindeer pillow pet on the ground next to the conjoining door that enclosed us from Mr. and Mrs. Winter.

"Do you really have to go?" Madison asked me from her bed as I curled my long brown hair in the bathroom.

"Yes. That was the deal. No if, ands, or candy canes about it," I said. I saw her roll her eyes in the mirror. "Plus, you know this is my favorite time of year. So I like to spend it with my family."

"I'm your family too," she whined. It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"I meant biological family," I said. She tumbled off the white sheets and onto the floor, grabbing her clothes as she went.

I finished curling my hair and started on my makeup. I wasn't going to do anything spectacular, just a little bit of gold eye shadow, black eyeliner, and mascara. I never do full face makeup. Although, not to sound full of myself, I wouldn't need it anyway. My skin has yet to turn into a giant, greasy pizza. Which I am quite thankful for. Most of the girls in my class, their faces are so oily you could cook french fries on them, as Madison likes to say. Plus, when those girls apply 3 pounds of foundation everyday, they aren't making the situation much better. But, I don't get into that stuff. It's their lives, not mine.

I finish my minimal makeup routine and pack everything away in my candy cane Christmas bag. Madison comes back into my eyesight wearing her celebration outfit that I helped her pick out before we left. It was a dress with a black top and a white, with huge black flowers on it, bottom. Over it, she put a blue blazer and a white infinity scarf. Her shoes were lace up black pumps and, for added warmth, a pair of thin black tights underneath. She looked stunning.

"You look incredible," I said, not able to stop staring at her. She blushed and smiled furiously at the comment. There was no doubt Madison was pretty. One of the prettiest girls in our grade. But, she didn't believe it. She denied it whenever anyone told her she was beautiful or anything. Still, deep down, I hoped she believed them.

"Thank you," she said. I looked at the clock just past her on the wooden table. The clock said 7:46. I needed to be at the airport in 20 minutes for check in!

"Crap! Madison we got to go!" I said, in a sudden panic mode.

Her face went pale when she realized the time. I threw together my bags as she called a cab for the ride. I yelled to her parents room to thank them again for the amazing trip, even though they were probably asleep, as we flew down the hallway. I looked down at the patterned carpet, seeing the once intricate detail turn into a fast motion blob of colors. We turned left at the corner and flew even faster down the next hall. I could see the elevator opening and flung my bag to hold the steel doors for closing for another eternity. That carry on made it to home base in the doorway. The elevator opened back up and we skidded to a halt in front of the doors. I jumped into the elevator, with Madison hot on my tracks. The tiny room was vacant, so I punched the button to get to the first floor. I felt the floor start it's descend to the first floor. As the steel doors slowly pulled open, I ran out, like a mad man, dodging slow people left and right. We made it to the front door in a nick of time. I saw a heavy man standing next to a yellow taxi. I waved to get his attention and he begrudgingly put his IPhone back into his back pocket and came to see what I needed.

"Whatcha want?" he asked in a grumpy and deep tone.

"I need a ride to the John Wayne Orange County Airport, please," I said, reading a folded up slip of paper I withdrew from my bag.

"Get on in, little missy," he said, grabbing my bags and putting them in the trunk of his car. I said goodbye to Madison and thanked her for everything.

"No problem," she said," It was fun. Now get going, Cinderella, your carriage is waiting." I laughed at her comment. The cab driver opened the door to his little yellow cab, and off we started to the airport, and to the best Christmas ever.

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