Chapter 1

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     One day a little girl was walking into a forest and Heard loud noise coming from behind her. She looked and saw a black jacket on the floor. I went to pick it up and then I heard this don't toch this I will kill your boyfriend if you toch that jacket. I though the jacket on the floor and turned around and saw a big ghost. She said remember me Megan (that is the little girl's name) your older sister Lydia. I saw she had no arm I now remember what happened her boyfriend Alex ran over Lydia. When the Took her to the doctor she had no arm or lots of blood. She wanted revenge on Alex. I got in my car and went to Alexis house to warn him. When I went to his house and I told him and he said I don't  believe you Alex said she did not see my face and I am happy she is dead.

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