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Checked the timer in my hand because

When you least expect it,

Loneliness seizes you by the collar, flings

your bewildered form against the wall. You didn't realize it –

at first. You don't realize

anything quickly I'd say.

The red number, blinking on your answering machine,

neatly written letters lying neglected in a slovenly mound

inside a mailbox of forgotten existence, as if purposely kept

away from the world, ignored for a better future.

I payed attention, maybe you noticed.

Maybe you didn't. I don't know. But you know about

me moving to Newburgh, the pool in our garden and that new

high school I to go. The secrets I kept on purpose, holding on

to fake flowers, a framed picture and wearing the warm

sweater we bought last December.

Do you remember that time?

My thoughts trailing down our once shared neighborhood.

Our time limited to 10 months, not years. From the beginning

we filled our ears with laughter as if to drown out

the loud ticking of life.

But time gives and takes at a pace, I can no longer appreciate.

Cookies fresh from the oven are warm.

Winter is cold.

I just got a new letter set for Christmas with

no one to write to.

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