Chapter Three

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The picture is Luke.


I woke up to arguing, and sighed, opening my eyes.

Luke and Zander where standing in the middle of my room, arguing fiercely.

“Of course I really love her, Luke! Why do you think I haven’t had a girlfriend since we met?!”

“Well, I don’t know!” Luke confessed.

“I do love her, Luke! She’s my fucking mate! Can’t you smell it?!”

“Well, I don’t know! All I ever smell between you is anger! You make each other angry, Alexander! That’s why I’m worried! She’s already gone through so much! You don’t need to be playing with her feelings.”

Wait, wait, wait, what? A mate? What does that mean?

“I’m not playing with her feelings, Luke! I love her! I’d give my life for her!”

“You know how illegal this all is, then, don’t you?!”

“You think I care about that shit?! I’m not afraid of the circle! I never have been! I love her! I will do anything to protect her!”

Illegal? How is it illegal? Don’t we have freedom? And what does he mean by the circle? I’m so confused…

“When are you going to tell her, anyways Luke? When she goes crazy?! When she kills someone?!”

“It’s not place to tell her! It’s my father’s! I don’t know when he’s going to tell her! We were thinking sometime around her 18th birthday.”

“She should’ve already gone through the change at sixteen! You need to tell her soon! Before she changes!”

Change? What? Does he mean like, get my period?  I would never get my period. I was genetically mutated.. I had purple eyes, and fair skin. It’s called Alexandria’s Genesis(I know that there is a lot of controversy on this subject, however, I thought that it would be cool to add to the story. Please, do not leave any angry comments or arguments of why it isn’t real. Thank you~The author)

“You don’t know that she’ll ever change, Dacian!”

Luke was suddenly shoved up against the wall, with inhuman speed. It was weird to watch. Dacian? Who the hell is Decain? What is going on?

Never ever call me Dacian!” Alexander growled. “It is not my name. not this lifetime.”

“You can’t say that she’ll change! I mean, she doesn’t even know anything about herself!”

“Because you won’t tell her!” Alexander yelled.

I slowly sat up on my bed, to get a better look.

Alexander paced back and forth, his stance animalistic, and graceful. He slammed his fist down on the table, “You have got to tell her.”

“Don’t break my fucking table, Zander!” I gasped, and clasped my hand over my mouth, flopping back down, my cheeks burning. Maybe if I act like I was sleep talking…

“Great! Now you’ve woken her up, Alexander!” Luke snapped.

I and sat back up.

“What is the hell are you two even talking about?! All this nonsense about fucking-I don’t even know-changing, and telling me something, and illegal, and what?!” I asked, flopping down on the arm chair, looking at them expectantly.

“I think it’s time we’ve told you something, Tori-ann.” My father’s voice came, and I saw him standing in the door way, his arms crossed.

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