Sick Ana

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"Mariya pink or black?" I asked my 1 year old

"Pwink!" She giggled

"Alright pink it is" I smiled & made a half up & down hairstyle

"Mom I am ready!" Aaliyah said & walked in the room "Okay is your dad ready?" I asked "I think so.. Daddy are you ready?" She yelled & went to the other room

I finished dressing Mariya & then went to Ana's room..

She was struggling with making a braid "Ana need help?" I chuckled "Yes please" She sighed "Come here you goof" I laughed & she smiled..

She ran to me & I brushed her hair & made a french braid "Alright your hair is done" I said & she looked at it "Thanks mommy" She hugged me

I smiled "Of course love"


I went to Zayn & I's room..

We haven't spoken since yesterday's argument..

I opened my long hair from a braid & it was in loose waves..

I felt two arms wrapped around my waist "Still mad at me?" I heard him whisper "Aren't you pissed at me?" I scoffed & he turned me around

"Sorry.. I was being too rude" He said "Zayn you acted like I don't care for these girls.. I may be a young mom & I know i am careless but when it comes to my girls I can do anything for them & I would never let my daughters get hurt" I said.. He cupped my face "I know I'm sorry.. Your a great mom but seeing Ana in pain was just too much for me" He said

I kissed his cheek "Kids fall & that's how they learn from their mistakes.. We can't always be watching them Zayn, they need to be independent" I explained "Your right.. Well we should go to mum's now" He said "Yeah go put the girls in the car.. I will be there" I said

"Alrighty come quick" He said

"I will"

Zayn's POV

I went downstairs & saw the girls playing tag..

"Yo little ones time to go to grandma's I said "Daddy can we blast music in the car?" Ana asked me "Sure why not" I chuckled "Yes!" She yelled in excitement "Mariya come on lets get your carseat" I said & she wobbled towards me..

I chuckled & scooped her up "Aaliyah & Ana lets go" I said "Mommy?" Ana asked "Shes coming love" I said..


"Zayn Mariya needs a change" My mum said "Alright come here princess" I said & she giggled..

I took her to my room at my mom's place & then grabbed some wipes & a diaper..

"Stay still please" I ordered her "Mama!" She cried "Mama is helping nanni" I said "Boo-berries" She smiled & pointed at the picture "You like blueberries?" I asked her "Yesh!" She giggled "Daddy can I play with your phone?" Ana asked "Ana you already used my phone too much.. Go play with your sister & cousins" I said

"But Baji is being rude!" She cried "Go play with your aunts then.. Safaa & Wali" I said "They are not here" She whined "They are in the kitchen & take Mariya" I said & she nodded

Aleezay's POV

"Mum the chicken is done" I said "Alright you should sit now" She said "No I like to help" I smiled "Mommy I am bored" Ana cried & Mariya was following her "Baby play with your sister" I said "Shes being mean.." She whined

"Go get her.. Let me talk to her" I said.."okay" she said.. Mariya started to cry & reached out her chubby little arms for me to pick up..

Sorry baby i am busy..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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