Chapter 2 - You are me and I am you

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"Dude, wake up!" 

I open my eyes to see alarmed jake shaking me. I look around. Fire. There is fire everywhere. We're in the nightosphere. It's chaotic! Not the usual chaotic, I mean chaotic even for the nightosphere! Everyone is running in different directions not really knowing where they're going.  

"Jake, this is bananas!" I shout, quickly standing up. 

Someone running bumps into me. He quickly stands up, not even apologizing, and starts running again. Jake stretches his arm to grab him and spin him around "Dude, what is going on in here?" Jake asks. 

The creature jogs in place with a frightened look on his face and points towards a mountain behind us. "It's huge!!"  

And he's gone, managing to escape from Jake's grip and run away. Jake and I both look at the mountain to see a huge, flaming, giant eye floating over it. It's pupil squirts water, making everyone scream.  

I get ready to jump on top of jake so we can kill the monster, but I notice a tiny figure hitting the one of the eye's nerves.  

"Did you see that!?" I ask 

"Yeah dude" 

Jake quickly lifts us up the mountain so we're standing where the giant eye is. I notice the figure from before is wearing a hat similar to mine, except the ears look more like bunny ears. Her outfit is similar to mine as well, except she wears a skirt instead of shorts. She catches a glance of me and we stare at each other for what seems like ages. Fionna. That is Fionna. And right next to her is a cat who must be Cake. 

Fionna looks away from me and jumps, stabbing the eye ball. Cake wraps his arms around the giant eyeball. Something Jake would've done. Fionna jumps, higher this time, aiming for the pupil, but water rushes out of it hitting her and throwing her to the ground.  

"Fionna!" I scream running towards her and Jake follows me. I take out my sword and jump up, stabbing the eyeball in the pupil, ignoring how the flames burn my face and clothes. I press deeper and the monster lets out a muffled grunt and explodes. I fall to the ground, my clothes now mostly half ash. 

Jake runs towards me "Finn! Are you ok?" 

"Yeah. Where's Fionna?" 

"Over there" Jake points at Fionna, a couple of yards away from me. Cake is kneeling down beside her, helping her stand up. 

We hurry in their direction 

"Are you ok?" I ask 

"Yeah," she replies, forcing a smile, even though her face is seriously jacked up "Thanks. Who are you?" 

"I'm Finn. This is Jake" I point in Jake's direction as he waves "We're yours and Cake's male versions" 

Both Cake and Fionna blink twice, blank expressions covering their faces

"What?" asks Fionna 

"Let's go home and I'll explain everything" 

We hurry to the portal and hop inside our.. Er, their house. The place isn't that different. Actually, it's pretty much the same, except for some stuff on the walls. 

Fionna hops on the sofa, her legs crossed and cake sits next to her in the same position, both of them leaning forward with their eyes shinning in anticipation. "So?" they both ask. 

Jake and I sit on the floor in front of them and laugh. 

"The Ice King, the male version of the Ice Queen, wrote a story about Jake and I where he made us both females. We thought it would be rad if we could meet our own female versions, so here we are!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2014 ⏰

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