Chapter 3

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Vanessa was still amazed Jacob had followed her.

He was the love of her life,
in all imagination, and that love, had just followed her.

That wouldn't be a big deal if we were talking to some old people, but when your crush follows you on any social media in 2015, you practically die.

Some fans, (including me) would feel very honored to be punched in the face by Jacob. Weird, but true.

switching into P.O.V's now

Vanessa's POV
I still wasn't over the follow, and it had been 3 days since it happened.

I had screen shotted it and made it my lock screen, home screen, cover photo on everything, etc.

That follow was the highlight of my life, and it will always be remembered as the cause of 'how it all started'.

Good things just kept creeping my way. My mom got a job offer in Herndon, Virginia. Where Jacob himself lives. We won't be moving for a few months but, I'm still excited.

Good thing #2 equals up to the greatness of that. I got a DM today. It was from, guess who, Jacob.

I had DM'd him far too many times in the past 4 years I've been a fan. In those years, I never got a DM back. Until, today.

It read "Hey, you probably know who I am.. but after all the DM's and attention shouts, you've stuck out to me. I've noticed you don't text as much. I'd like to assume that's because you don't want to annoy me. 😄 thank you for that. You also don't always just comment about my looks. I feel like you want to be more than just a fan. Text my number at ???-???-???? for more details."

(don't want to put a real number and have people think it's his)

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