Chapter Seventeen

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Mike managed to push John to the ground but Buck didn't budge. He earned a punch to the face and nearly another but Chester leapt in, blocking the hits. Mike yelled to him not to but Chester didn't listen. Buck had the boy by the hips, yanking him backwards and Chester struggled against him. Mike tried calling out to him again, but it was no good. John was back off the ground but it didn't take Mike much to push him back over again. He was back on the ground and Mike jumped on Buck's back, ripping out his hair.

Buck rammed his back into a wall but Mike had quickly jumped off just in time and protected himself. He helped Chester up and pulled him into his arms when he felt a hand wrap around his ankle. He looked down and saw John, who pulled back, knocking Mike to the ground who ended up taking Chester with him. The two cried out in shock and tried to help each other back up but Buck was back in the game and lifted Chester up by the hair and pushed him against the wall. Mike slammed himself against Buck's back, making him simply turn around, where he kicked him harshly in his midsection.

Buck yelled in agony but became raging mad. He would've pushed Mike through a wall but was too focused on his own pain at the moment. John managed to get back up but Mike wasn't worried. He punched the smaller man in the nose and blood spilt forward. He cried out and took a swing, managing to hit Chester just right. The boy was so skinny that he easily fell to the ground and yelped in surprise but before he could touch down, Mike grabbed his arm and helped him up. The two ran out of the house as Jay cried out to them to help him. Mike took Chester's hand and they ran into the clearing. He took out his phone and called the police.

"I need the police!" Mike yelled, telling them their location and the situation. They said they'd arrive very shortly, as the town was tiny, and the two sat down in the clearing, catching their breaths.

"I'm so sorry," Chester apologized again, earning a nudge from Mike.

"Don't be," He smiled.

"We left Jay behind. I feel awful," He confessed and Mike nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I do too. But he hurt you. I'm sure he'll be okay. I don't want him on the loose after what he did to you," Mike said softly. "You've been through too much."

"That's okay though, I don't mind it," Chester said with a small chuckle. "That probably doesn't sound quite right but I'm used to it. I know that's hard to hear, just as it's hard to say, but it's true. I'm used to the fact that nothing goes my way and I've been hurt by so many people. It's okay because I don't know anything else... Again, that sounds worse than it actually is."

"I wish you didn't have to go through all that though. I mean clearly you're not okay with it because you were trying to commit suicide the first time you called me," Mike reminded him and Chester frowned.

"I thought you would've forgotten that," He said. He hoped Mike would've let that slip after everything that happened. It didn't cross his mind that Mike would actually remember. "If it helps, I haven't thought about it since I talked to you."

"I'm proud of you," He smiled supportively and Chester giggled.

"So about the love thing..." He trailed off, running a hand through his hair, which had started to grow in brown. Mike looked to it and back into Chester's dark eyes.

"Is that your natural hair color?" He asked quietly, putting a hand in his hair and gently touching the brown. Chester nodded. "You should let it grow in."

"Anything for you," Chester smiled and Mike leaned in naturally, kissing Chester softly for the first time.

"I wasn't lying when I said I loved you," He whispered and Chester cupped his cheeks and kissed him.

"Me either."

"We should probably go back to see how the police are doing," Mike said, holding his hand and running a finger across his soft, pale skin. The two shared a smile and returned towards the house. The familiar creepy building's door opened and police officers stepped out with Buck, John, and Jay. They were each put in police officers and Mike noticed Officer Samantha and Officer Draven talking to some other police officials. After everyone except Samantha and Draven left, the boys approached them. Samantha smiled at Mike and Chester.

"Well, you must be the boy everyone's been obsessing over," She said and Chester blushed, looking to the ground. "It's good to see you again, Mike."

"Do you know what's going to happen to them?" Mike asked. He didn't know what he was hoping for. He wanted John and Buck to either be dead or in prison for the rest of their lives but he didn't know about Jay. He didn't want him to be punished but knew he had to be for what he did to Chester and he honestly couldn't object to that.

"Well, we aren't too sure yet about the two men but Jay is going to spend time in a facility for the mentally ill until he turns eighteen. Afterwards, he will be imprisoned for a year or two, depending on how he acts in court. I suppose we won't know for sure for a while," She answered, Draven silent as usual. Mike nodded.

"Okay. Thank you so much. You guys have been so helpful," Mike said appreciatively, to which both officers smiled and then left. Chester pulled Mike's hand softly to get his attention. "Yeah, Chazzy?"

"I just wanted to apologize about your brother. That's hard," He said and Mike shrugged.

"He deserves something for what he did to you," He informed the smaller boy and hugged him tightly. Mike had everything he could ever want in between his arms.

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