Chapter One

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I ran down the stairs quickly. I grabbed my cheer bag and headed out the door for practice. I had to leave early so I could give Stefan and Issac a ride since our practice starts at the same time today. We are on spring break for two weeks, no school but we still have practice daily.
I got in the car and started it, turning the music up and singing along all the way to Stefan's house. I pulled up and they were tossing a football back and forth in the yard while waiting.
They quickly ran over to the car, "SHOTGUN." Issac yelled.
"No fair, you always get it!"
"My girl, my seat!" Issac said happily and jumped in the front. "Hey babe."
He grinned and kissed me, "Hello my love, hi Stefan." I said happily.
"Hello bestest friend in the world." He said with a smile.
I pulled away and headed toward the school.
"I just kicked Stefan's ass in Call of Duty, baby, are you proud of me?"
"Of course, although I doubt you did."
Issac gave me a look of hurt and disgust, "Yes I did! How do you not believe me?!"
"You both suck at that game, it's doubtful one could be better or worse."
"Like you're any good." He muttered, giving me attitude.
"Mer is better than both of us, we both know that dude..." Stefan said.
"Of course but I'm not the worst, I'm at least better than you."
"What the f-"
"Enough about video games!" I groaned. "On another note, I got you a blind date this Friday, Stefan."
"Oh..." There was a hint of sadness in his voice.
"What's wrong? She's pretty I swear!" I asked, concerned.
"Oh I have feelings for someone already, it's okay though, it's never going to happen anyways so thank you."
"Why not?! You're amazing, Stef! Any girl would be lucky to have you!"
"Thanks." He said and chuckled.
We pulled up to the school. As we walked in, I saw my best friend, Reina.
"Mer! Thank god you're early! Brianna broke her ankle so she cant compete this weekend, the whole routine needs to be changed!" She said, panicking.
"No big deal! It's just one person. Stop freaking out. Is she okay?"
"She's so bummed that she won't be able to compete but it should heal before our next competition."
"Awesome so we just need to stay and practice longer today so we're more prepared for this weekend."
"Mer we're supposed to be having our anniversary dinner tonight, you can't make it this weekend and this is the only other time!" Issac said.
"I'm sorry, baby, but you knew that I was a busy person going into this relationship. We'll celebrate on Tuesday. I'll be too tired on Monday."
"Can I please talk to you alone?" He asked slowly.
We walked away from the group.
I sighed, "I don't have much time so say what you need to say."
"I love my sport but I don't put it first to the point that I loose everything else I love. You don't think of me as a priority at all, do you?"
"Of course I do! How could you think I don't? Issac, you know how important competitions are. If it were a game I'd probably blow off the whole practice for you. We're talking about our futures! We love our sports. You'd do the same thing heading into a game."
"No, I wouldn't extend a practice and cancel our anniversary dinner."
"You know how busy I am. I told you, if it's that important, come to Vegas with us for this competition. You literally have nothing to do all weekend. I don't need you lecturing me about cancelling our dinner when it could be this weekend on our actual anniversary! I'm cancelling for my sport and my future. Which you are choosing to not come and support me in. It isn't too late to decide to come but I know you won't. You aren't going to Vegas so you can sit on your ass and play video games all weekend so excuse me but I have practice."
I walked away, clearly annoyed. I turned around to see him storming off campus. I guess he's just going to blow off another practice.
Issac and I are good together when we're good and happy, we just fight a lot and it gets exhausting.
"Alright girls!" I said and smiled. "Let's do this!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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